Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The leftwing media want you to think that Hezbollah hates America only because America supports Israel. But that's not what Hezbollah says. Here's what is written in the Hezbollah Charter:

We see in Israel the vanguard of the United States in our Islamic world. It is the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones get what they deserve.

It sounds like they hate Israel because Israel supports America, no? (Hat tip: Camera. Read the entire dreary Hezbollah Charter here.)


  1. it's nopt only the leftwing MSM which wants us to believe israel is causing miullions of muslims to become fanatical and violent, but anti-Semites of all stripes - like james baker. anyone who believes that israel must sacrifice land for peace is a dupe.

    not because land-for-peace is worong in principle, but because those who would get the land are untrustworthy, and only really want the utter destruction of ALL of israel.

    also: those who say bush and the iraq war have caused or increased fanatical/militant islam are equally mistaken.

  2. They don't call us the Great Satan for nothing.
