Thursday, November 09, 2006


it comes down to two things: balls and principles. you can't have one without the other. Liberals are congenitally devoid of both. But real conservatives have both in spades. One of my heroes, Winston Churchill, is a model for this: he had the balls to face Hitler and the Nazi threat head-on, and core principles he would not back down from. Reagan had the balls to look the Soviets in the eye and call them what they were: an evil empire. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" God, what a moment to be an American! He stuck to his principles regardless of the flak, regardless of what the scumbags in the press said, regardless of how much he was demonized. Margaret Thatcher? Big balls and big principles. These are leaders, my friends, not compromisers.

My President, whom I have supported through thick and thin, has already caved to Speaker Pelosi and the new Congress. His desire to be buddies, his desire to restart that execrable "new tone" has overridden his need to be a leader. Instead of being pals, he should pull out his pen and say "This is my veto pen. I will use it." Reagan, God bless 'im, said that in a nationally televised speech. Balls. Principles.

... I've thrown away my Dubya mug, and I'll remove my Dubya bumper-sticker from my car tonight. Next week, for the second time in thirteen years, I will change the party affiliation on my voter's registration card from 'Republican' to 'Independent.' I'm done with them until we finally get real conservatives in the party leadership again.


1 comment:

  1. A "cut and runner" -- with friends like these, who needs enemies. Reagan and Tip O'Neill found compromises all the time. Reagan didn't compromise with the Soviets. GWB is not compromising with the terrorists and has reiterated that point as late as today. I say good riddance Babalu.
