Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Realist Utopianism [Michael Rubin]

Do all of Iraq’s neighbors seek a stable, peaceful Iraq? Many realists, from Kofi Annan to James Baker to Barack Obama, seem to think so. Says Annan, “An Iraq at peace is in the interest of all countries in the region, including Iran and Syria.” And Obama, “Neither Iran nor Syria want to see a security vacuum in Iraq filled with chaos, terrorism, refugees and violence….” Where does this assumption, upon which all the calls for engagement derive, come from? The ether? Neither the actions of Tehran nor Damascus provide any evidence that Iraqi security or stability has been their goal.
REALISTICALLY: If we want peace in the Middle East we must neutralize Iran. Iran fuels the strife in Iraq, and Lebanon, and supports Assad's Baathist regime, Nasrallah's Hizballah, and Hamas. Iran deso this because it wants to expand islamofascist hegemony and to keep the West distracted as it tries to become a nuclear power.

The assassination of Christian Lebanese politician Pierre Gemayel leads me to ask the most basic question: QUI BONO? Who benefits - from this assassination and all those which preceded it - and the rest of the mayhem in the region? ONLY Iran and the islamofascist hegemonists benefit. Appeasing them will only encourage them to attack us more. THAT WE MUST NEUTRALIZE IRAN TO ACHIEVE PEACE AND STABILITY IS TRUE REALISM. (More here on the Gemayel assassination. And a complete round up at MEMEORANDUM, as always.)


  1. Reliapundit,

    Does this assassination remind you of the assassination in Afgahnistan in the days before 9/11?

  2. i see this as part of a strategy to take over lebanon and destroy iusrael and prevent iraq from stabilizing and allowing iran tio get THE BOMB.

    i do not see this as part of al qaeda's tactical plan.

    again: i feel that iran and al q are strategic allies. but iran is using other jihadostooges/proxies in the Holy Land.

    al q is trying to hit us BIG with more horrific results than 9/11 and this will most likkely occur between feb and may. after the lefties take over congress.

    iran has a separate gam e plan and timetable and a separate field of play.

    so no: this assassination is not a preamble for the impending WMD jihadoterror attack.
    it is part of iran's hegemonic lust.
