Wednesday, November 15, 2006


According to news reports, Iran is pushing ahead with its uranium enrichment program, and "unexplained" traces of plutonium and weapons-grade uranium have been found in an Iranian nuclear waste dump. Meanwhile, according to the Guardian (not exactly a right-wing neo-con house organ),

British intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is determined to attack the UK with a nuclear weapon, it emerged yesterday. The announcement, from an officially organised Foreign Office counter-terrorism briefing for the media, was the latest in a series of bleak assessments by senior officials and ministers about the terrorist threat facing Britain.

And in case you still believe there's no connection between the fanatical Shi'ite Iranian Mullahcracy and the fanatical Sunni Al Qaeda crazies, Con Coughlin reports in the Telegraph that
According to recent reports received by Western intelligence agencies, the Iranians are training senior al-Qa'eda operatives in Teheran to take over the organisation when bin Laden is no longer leader.
And the Iranians will be able to supply Al Qaeda with the fissionable material needed for either a dirty bomb or a thermonuclear warhead. The Iranians are already supplying weapons to terrorists in Iraq. Meanwhile, here in the Homeland, the Democrats are embroiled in a leadership struggle, with Nancy Pelosi fighting to install her partner in pork, Jack Murtha, as House majority leader. And the public is beginning to realize, as shown in the latest AP-IPSOS poll, that the Democrats have no plan when it comes to the war in Iraq.
Fifty-seven percent of all adults in the AP-Ipsos poll said Democrats do not have a plan for Iraq; 29 percent said they do. The poll of 1,002 adults has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

The Democrats do have a plan, however, to dismantle the Patriot Act, to reward terrorists with the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and to shut down surveillance of Al Qaeda networks. On top of that, their nutroots base is now actuially actively promoting Iran as a socialist paradise, and - sadly - we are sure to hear more plans for their appeasement from the Democrat leadership.

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