Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The defeated left-wing candidate in Mexico's presidential election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has held an unofficial swearing-in ceremony. During his "inauguration" in Mexico City, Mr Lopez Obrador said he was launching a "parallel government". He claims he was the victim of fraud in July's election - a view shared by millions of Mexicans. But some of his supporters think his alternative inauguration is ill-advised and politically irresponsible.

In the presidential election, Mr Lopez Obrador was defeated by less than a percentage point by Felipe Calderon of the governing National Action Party (PAN). Mr Lopez Obrador was "sworn in" by Senator Rosario Ibarra, a human rights activist and member of his party, who placed a red, green and white presidential sash across his shoulders. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador at his "inauguration" "I pledge to serve loyally and patriotically as legitimate president of Mexico," Mr Lopez Obrador said before an estimated 100,000 supporters in the Zocalo, Mexico City's main square.
Denial of reality seems to be the hallark of the Left these days - ALL OVER THE WORLD. They deny when they lose; they deny the global jihadist threat; they deny that global warming is natural; they deny that socialized medicine in the EU and Canada is a failure which is bankrupting them; they deny that free markets, low taxes and industrialism reduces poverty better than socialism; they deny that appeasement is a policy which has always failed; they deny that gun control doesn't reduce crime and that self-defense is a basic human right; they deny that the volunteer military is working; they deny that life begins at conception. And so on.

Because the Left is in total denial, they are Fifth Column - sometimes aiding the enemy - as when they leak classified information, and sometimes just by creating poliitcal drag or interference, and generally by lowering morale and our resolve. I wish we had a sensible and truly loyal opposition. The world would be a better pace if we did.

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