Thursday, November 02, 2006


The whitewash of Islam is becoming more intense in the European media. From “Euopean Television Hosts More Programs on Islam”:
Following the cartoon crisis and Pope Benedict XVI’s offensive remarks on Islam, many European state-owned TV channels have launched new initiatives to disseminate more information on Islam. Inspired by the TV programs on Islam broadcast by state-sponsored TV channels in France, the Netherlands and Denmark, Germany and Belgium are also now considering starting programs of the same kind.

The lack of accurate information on Muslims, which became clearer following the cartoon crisis, and the pope’s contentious remarks, has led some European countries to introduce TV programs on Islam and its fundamental precepts. It is already expected that the Islamic programs, which will be prepared in the native language of the country, will contribute to social cohabitation....
Training the present and the next generation that there's nothing to worry about?

[Reliapudit: Preparing them for MORE dhimmitude? Or preparing them for conversion!? Either way: Sheesh. ]

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