Saturday, November 04, 2006


Kerry's derogatory comment about the brave and enormously talented people who serve in our military was really just the tip of the iceberg. Leftists like Kerry really believe that they are smarter than the rest of us. Here's a short list:
* Leftists believe that folks who believe in God are stupid.
* Leftists believe that folks who support the Second Amendment and their innate right to self-defense are stupid.
* Leftists believe that folks who think that global warming is not man-made, but natural and historically periodic are stupid.
* Leftists believe that folks who believe that the West is threatened more by jihadism than by Bush are stupid.
* Leftists believe that people who think they know better how to spend their own money than bureaucrats and technocrats in Washington DC are stupid.
* Leftists believe that people who live in rural areas are stupid.
* Leftists believe that people who like American culture more than "European" culture are stupid.
* Leftists believe that people who prefer watching Fox and don't swear by the NYTIMES are stupid.
Well... I KNOW people in the military: they are GREAT.

And I know that if blacks were armed after the US Civil War that none would've been lynched.

And, I know that Earth has warmed and cooled many times - during eras which had NO man-made "greenhouse" gases, and that so-called greenhouses gases have risen steadily since 1850 but that global temps have NOT, (which is dispositive of a man-made cause for the current trend).

And I know that jihadism is the world's greatest threat to the lives and liberty of the entire West - and that Bush's response - in his use of presidential war powers abroad and at home - has been much much much MUCH milder than FDR's --- who is still regarded as HERO by the Left.

I know that the government is a wasteful spender and of taxes, and that there are only one or two things which the federal government MUST do with taxes, and that chief among them is NATIONAL DEFENSE.

As a resident of NYC, I know that cities are teeming with under-educated, un-assimilated people and millions of anti-American Leftists, and that rural areas are filled with SMART PEOPLE - PATRIOTS - the salt of the Earth, the folks who do most of the real hard work in this nation.

I know that American culture is the most exciting, engaging, and fluid culture in the history of humanity, and that it is so dynamic because we are so free: free to create whatever we want. I know that American culture gave rise to the most enlivening things in global Pop culture: Jazz, and Rock, and Hollywood movies - and the most basic fashions: blue jeans, white Tees, and sneakers or boots. I know that free people EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING EUROPE - when given the freedom of choice - almost always choose to enjoy things derived from American culture.

And, I prefer getting BOTH sides to the story and so I prefer to watch FOX NEWS.


I am not stupid. I have an above average IQ and a BA - earned in two majors - Philosophy and Anthropology, and I earned a MA in 18 months. And, I'm smart enough to know that we will not defeat jihadism abroad until we defeat the elitist Left at home. And I know that we can do this next Tuesday. SO, IF YOU'RE AS SICK AND TIRED AS I AM AT BEING TOLD BY DEMOCRATS THAT YOU'RE STUPID, THEN GET OUT AND VOTE. For the GOP.


  1. "And I know that if blacks were armed after the US Civil War that none would've been lynched."

    This article is worth a read:

    "It was common practice for convoys of Ku Klux Klan members to drive through black neighborhoods shooting in all directions. A black physician who owned a nice brick house on a main road was a frequent target of racist anger. In the summer of 1957, a Klan motorcade sent to attack the house was met by a disciplined volley of rifle fire from a group of black veterans and NRA members led by civil rights activist Robert F. Williams. ...

    Williams, a former Marine who volunteered to lead the Monroe chapter of the NAACP and founded a 60-member, NRA-chartered rifle club, described the battle in his 1962 book, "Negroes With Guns," which was reprinted in 1998 by Wayne State University Press."

  2. Well said, Reliapundit.

  3. thanks pasto.

    and archie: COOL LINK!

    im gonna blogroll KABA.

  4. The left believes that patriotism is stupid. I'm sick of those who enjoy all the blessings of a free society, only to denigrate that society.

    Our military personnel put their lives on the line so that the left can continue their stupidity in comfort.

    John Kerry isn't so damned smart. He fouled his own nest with his "joke" last week. Of course, what he said wasn't a joke at all. Rather, he showed the true face of the left, a bunch of defeatists when the going gets tough.

  5. And, I know that Earth has warmed and cooled many times - during eras which had NO man-made "greenhouse" gases, and that so-called greenhouses gases have risen steadily since 1850 but that global temps have NOT, (which is dispositive of a man-made cause for the current trend).

    The sad part is that you don't even understand how the first part of this claim (the Earth has warmed and cooled many times) totally undermines the second part (a non-steady rise of temperatures is dispositive of CO2's contribution to current warming).

    Of course, I've explained this many times before, but let's just say that learning ins't a strong suit for you.

    Yes, there are always climate cycles. Some are long, some are short, some are pronounced, and some are minor. Absolutely no one claims that CO2 is the only climate factor. Since there are other factors and cycles, you can have cooling trends that make one year cooler than the previous one (e.g. 1956) or warming trends that spike the effect even more (e.g. 1998). The important point is that warming is caused by some factor. Explaining warming (especially a relaitively rapid increase like we're currently seeing), is someting that scientists try to do. Since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and since humans pump lots of it into the atmosphere, and since its atmospheric concentration is measurably increasing, why is it so hard to believe that is influencing temperatures upwards? What is your theory as to what is causing the increase in temperature? (Please advance one I haven't already disproven in previous discussions).

    And while you're at it, please answer my oft repeated question as to what you would accept as proof of anthropogenic global warming. I'd like to see just how high you set the bar on things you're not inclined to believe.

  6. joe, you wrote:

    "the first part of this claim (the Earth has warmed and cooled many times) totally undermines the second part (a non-steady rise of temperatures is dispositive of CO2's contribution to current warming)."

    this is a non-sequitor.

    it is a FACT that the earth ahs warmed and cooled many times - woithout any input from humanity.

    it is UNPROVEN that the current trend is is not natural.

    there is no proof that the current trend is man-made. NONE.

    there are hypotheses. and there are FACTS which DISPROVE THEM: since all man-made gases have steadily increased, and because global temps have NOT; therefore man-made gases cannot be the cause.

    they MIGHT be a factor, but one of many, and one which might be impossible to change given the fact that in order to feed and clothe and promote the material well-being of another ONE BILLION people who deserve a better materila life we need to consume MORER energy and MORE natural RESOURCES.

    then again: many of the left now seem to argue for universal poverty; (whereas oldtime lefties used to argue for universal material well-being). some on the radical green left even believe the earth would be better off without any humans.

    most people now admit that kyoto was a farce and would change nothing. some radical green lefties would love to enact even mnore draconian anti-industrial anti-capitalist anti-free market taxes and regulations.

    as lonborg argued in last weeks WSJ: these to are bogus.

    joe: stop trying to maintain your blind devotion to a phiny concept.


  7. Lomborg's article? I agree with him almost totally. He says, in that very article, "the review correctly points out that climate change is a real problem, and that it is caused by human greenhouse-gas emissions." He also agrees with me that Stern's assertions are incorrect and his solutions are too extreme. As a scientist, he understands that there is a real problem and that it requires a real solution. You do not.

    there is no proof that the current trend is man-made. NONE.
    I ask again, what would constitute proof? This is a question you seem to have real trouble with.

    there are FACTS which DISPROVE THEM: since all man-made gases have steadily increased, and because global temps have NOT; therefore man-made gases cannot be the cause.
    Didn't I (with your help) just show the logical fallacy of this claim above? This is only true if you claim that they are the only factor. No one claims this. If there are other factors there is other variability. Why is this a difficult concept for you?

  8. I agree that Kerry is "not so damned smart." My wiish is that his obnoxious wife should never be heard from again. But I do think it was obvious that he was referring to Bush, not the armed forces and this was a joke gone incredibly bad which has been exploited by Republicans and the administration and the press which supports both. I wonder if this opinion makes me, in the eyes of some, a liberal, a traitor, or a treasonous democrat. If so I think they should think again.
