Thursday, November 02, 2006


Troops exchanged fire with gunmen holed up in a mosque in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun early Friday, Israel Radio reported. Witnesses said army bulldozers razed one wall of the mosque and soldiers fired tear gas and stun grenades in an attempt to force some 60 terror suspects to surrender.
Arab terrorists and IDF soldiers early Friday morning engaged in a shootout at a mosque in Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza region, where 60 terrorists entered to escape arrest. Arab sources told Reuters News Agency that IDF bulldozers demolished one wall of the mosque, but military spokesmen said that every effort was being made not to damage the structure. They added that the terrorists stored a large number of weapons and ammunition in the mosque.
I have maintained for a long time that the mosques and madrassas which are involved in jihadoterror must be treated as if they were bomb factories and barracks and destroyed. We shouldn't allow the enemy any safe haven. The Church of the Nativity stand-off was an error: the IDF should have captured or killed the whole lot of those Palistani terrorists. Instead, they let them get away! Like letting Hizballah off the ropes in the last war. We keep giving the enemy second and third chances. Which is a mistake.

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