Wednesday, November 01, 2006


A Chinese court has thrown out a guilty verdict against Chen Guangcheng, an activist who raised concerns about forced abortions. "It was found that there have been serious violations in the legal procedures," said Mr Chen's lawyer. Mr Chen, 34, was found guilty of public order offences in August, and sentenced to more than four years in jail. His case drew international criticism, with rights advocates saying he did not receive a fair trial. The Linyi City Intermediate Court has now quashed Mr Chen's conviction, and ordered a retrial.
This is good news, and HOPEFULLY it portends some democratic reform in China - at it least intimates the growing possibility of it.

Though it has made much progress the last two decades, China - like Russia - is still truly only nearing the cusp of joining the West. Until they do, the foreign policy of these two statist regimes will antagonize the West - Russia by arming our foes - such as Iran and Syria - and China by failing to reign in their stooge, Kim Jong Il. Additionally, all our efforts at using the UNSC - and more multilateralism to confront the grave threats we face - are pointless until these two nations are truly free, and true allies, albeit ones we compete with. (And France - the other nation that doesn't deserve a veto in the UNSC - will continue to exploit this divide for their own narrow interests.)

The Left - at home and abroad - is the last great barrier to victory in the GWOT. Just as we must defeat the Left at home, we must defeat the Left overseas.

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