Saturday, November 25, 2006


Many eco-nutsies claimed that Katrina was a result of man-made global warming, and that because of MMGW we were gonna get more frequent and worse hurricanes. (A few links here and here and here and here. And here, too. I could link forever - since there is seemingly no end to the eco-nutsies hysterical analyses and prognostications. And let's not forget fat jet-setter Al Gore and his inconvenient truth.)

Well, er um... it just effin' didn't happen, now, did it! The current hurricane season was pretty effin mild. And since man-made global greenhouse gases increased last and this year - like the year before that and the year before that, and so on - that must mean that THERE'S NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE INTENSITY OR FREQUENCY OF HURRICANES AND MAN-MADE GREENHOUSE GASES. Period.

Al Gore's tirade turns out to have been nothing more than convenient demagoguery. The forecasters were ALL EFFIN WRONG WRONG WRONG!

So... ya think fat Al and the eco-nutsies will STFU?! YEAH: but only until there's another NATURAL disaster they feel they can blame on free markets, industrialization and the USA. SO: Let's enjoy the silence while we can!

UPDATE: OH NO! They're all ready predicting that 2007 will be worse! SHEESH!

11/27/06 - UPDATE #2 : TWO DAYS LATER: DRUDGE follows our lead, making this past QUIET hurricane season the lead story on his webpage today, with this link - proving once again that T.A.B. is the place to be!

UPDATE #3 / 11/28/06
- THE DOCTOR IS ON THE CASE: Dr. Sanity expounds on The Elders of the Protocols of Kyoto - with some great links!

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