Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The CBC:
Rev. Jesse Jackson, congresswoman Maxine Waters and other black leaders in the United States have challenged entertainers — including rappers — to stop using the "n-word."

"We want to give our ancestors a present … dignity over degradation," Jackson said at a news conference in Los Angeles on Monday. He and a group that included Waters, a Democrat legislator from Los Angeles, and comedian Paul Mooney have begun a campaign against the racial slur that they plan to take to TV networks, film companies and musicians over the next few weeks.

The Stalinists are back! You just knew when Michael Richards handed Jackson the ball he would run with it. Jackson is also calling for a boycott of Seinfeld Season 7. I don't approve of Michael Richards said at the Laugh Factory, but free speech is free speech, and if Jesse Jackson says not to buy something, you better believe I'll be buying it.

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