Thursday, October 12, 2006


Russia and China on Thursday opposed tough sanctions the U.S. wants to impose against North Korea this week for its claimed nuclear test ... China ... opposes any mention of the U.N. Charter's Chapter 7, which authorizes punishments including economic sanctions, naval blockades and military actions. ... Beijing and Moscow also object to the wide scope of financial sanctions and a provision authorizing the inspection of cargo going in and out of North Korea, council diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because talks are private.
Between its inability to act on North Korea and Darfur, (and its RUSH to save Hizballah jihadoterrorists from imminent destruction), the UN has PROVEN that it's at best useless, and worse, probably an aid to the enemies of freedom, democracy, non-proliferation, and universal humans right; in other words: EVERYTHING THE UN WAS SUPPOSED TO STAND FOR.

It's time the USA withdrew all support for the UN, and asked them to relocate their HQ outside the USA. (They could sell it to Trump, for a BUNDLE: it would make a fine "WORLD CLASS" hotel/condo/marina/casino! And, I think it would contain more morality if he turned it into a whorehouse.)


  1. Reliapundit,
    I was going to post on this today also. I think the big story here is that this situation makes it blazingly clear that Russia and China are using Iran and North Korea as terrorist proxies, the same way Iran uses Hizbollah and hamas as terrorist proxies.

    Russia and China are our real enemies.

    This war is going to get very bad.

    That's the news, if you ask Pastorius.

  2. i am not so sure abiout that. not proxies.

    but russia and china (and france and germany) use the situations these regimes create in order to secure things for themselves FIRST.

    IOW: our mutual interests are much broader and deeper with soko and japan than they are with china and russia.

    that's why we cannot cede our foreign policy or national defense - or the defense of the free world - to the UN.

    which the DEMOCRATS will do. the multilateralism they desire is tantamount to giving russia and china and germany and france a veto over our national defense.

    the answer is abolishing the un - which is the ONLY - repeat ONlY - true soucre of russia's and china's and france's and germany's international leverage over us.

    if you don't vote GOP, then you are - in a way - voting for russia and china and france and germany controlling our national security.

    on;ly the GOP unabashedly defends opur national security.

    by ignoring the UN and the multilateralists when it's necessary, and by promoting things like NMD and the NSA program.
