Wednesday, October 25, 2006


A little snippet from the police blotter: A danish citizen who converted to Islam and moved to Yemen with his wife and child has been arrested - in Yemen - for arms smuggling. We are accustomed to reading about Danes who are arrested for drug smuggling - and it is well known that Danish ships have freighted munitions for shadowy clients - but this may be the first case of a Dane smuggling arms for a terror organisation. The Danish Police Intelligence Unit is following the case closely.
LATE EDITION UPDATE: The 23 year old arrested in Yemen is aquainted with the defendants being held under arrest in Glostrup - one of two terror conspiracy cases unfolding now in Denmark. According to danish police he is not directly involved in that case.

Reliapundit adds: Dhimmis are a already huge problem; they aid the enemy from either fear or a misplaced and/or ill-conceived altruism. And Euro-Muslims - from Chechnya for example - might be able avoid detection and might easily take part in an attack or smuggling inside the EU or the USA. But this story reminds us that converts to Islam (who embrace global jihad, but otherwise look and sound ENTIRELY Western) might be jihadoterrorism's secret weapon. They might be impossible to find... until it's too late... Which is why I think the intelligence agencies ought to be hunting for other Western converts who attended radical mosques - folks like Richard Reid.

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