Tuesday, October 10, 2006


How do we interpret the events of the past few days? Is this what they call negotiating in diplomatic circles? There's a lot of static going back and forth: it's just a defensive move; it's just to buttress the regime - NoKo is ready to negotiate... and there is speculation that the yield of the device was not so big... maybe it was not 100% successful? Maybe it was just a big pile of dynamite? Or maybe it was a suitcase sized device?

This last possibility scares me: what if the financially strapped NoKo regime has already sold an incomplete suitcase device to al Qaeda...this "test" could be to demonstrate that the device does work... which in turn would enable al Qaeda to transfer a large payment in exchange for the key missing component of the detonator - for example the eprom which contains the timing software for the high explosives.

The fact that we live in a world where nations practice diplomacy and war by proxy makes the situation in NoKo untenable in the long term ( i.e. 6 months to a year) Nothing short of regime change in NoKo could be satisfactory.

Reliapundit: more on NOKO INSANITY here.

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