Monday, October 30, 2006


...this year's Femina prize winner was yesterday announced as the Canadian writer Nancy Huston, for her family saga Lignes de faille, or Fault Lines. Huston, who has lived in Paris for 20 years, is an Anglophone Canadian who writes in both English and French. She is the second winner of north American origin to win a major French literary prize in a week, after Jonathan Littell, an American first-time novelist won the Académie Française prize for his 900-page fictional memoir of a murderous Nazi SS colonel, Les Bienveillantes, or The Kindly Ones. He is also favourite for the prix Goncourt award to be announced next week.
Well I guess this means that the French aren't producing any writers of note, anymore. Add this to the fact that they aren't producing enough French babies to maintain the population - let alone support their welfare state, and the two-year long intifada (they seem unable to quell), and things look real REAL bad for France. I have two words for them: A bientot. I mean ADIEU!


  1. I think you mean "adieu" not "a bientot." At least I hope so.

  2. need more proof: AIRBUS

  3. fact: they aren't french.
    fact: french ain'ttheir first language.
    fact: the fernch birth rate is too low to maintain france as french.

    fact: you are an ass.
