Monday, October 23, 2006


The Israel Air Force destroyed 59 intermediate and long-range missile launchers in the Hezbollah arsenal during the second day of the war in Lebanon, during a raid that lasted 34 minutes, according to research recently published by David Makovsky and Jeffrey White of the Washington Institute of Near East Policy.

The success of the raid was the greatest Israel Defense Forces achievement during the war, and according to Israeli assessments, it prevented Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, from being able to carry out his threats and strike central Israel with missiles.
If the West still didn't harbor double-standards when it comes to Israel, then Israel could have finished off Hizballah in a few more weeks. But the fact that Israel was prevented from delivering a coup de grace doesn't mean they lost. They demolished Hizballah and at the very least bought a few more years of peace on their northern border. [ASIDE: The threat of more war against Israel from the north (and a destabilized Lebanon) will exist for as long as Iran and Syria are ruled by tyrannies.]

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