Sunday, October 01, 2006


MARWAHEEN, Lebanon - The Israeli army abandoned almost all of its positions in Lebanon early Sunday, a key step toward fulfilling a major condition of the truce that ended a monthlong war against Hezbollah.
Well thank God for that. I'd hate for Israel to break their streak of fulfilling one-sided truces.
Following Sunday's withdrawal, Israeli spokeswoman Miri Eisin said Israel was "now waiting for Lebanon to do its part under the truce." Israel wants Lebanon to keep Hezbollah out of the south and disarm it.
No word if Eisin is entertaining plans to hold his breath.

1 comment:

  1. good one!

    i think - unfortunately - that we are in a similar position vis a vis iran: hoping they will voluntarily cease their nuke program. and, as you are essentially pointing out, hoping and holding one's breath are equally INeffective.

    just as aggressive action must be taken to FORCE hizballah to disrm, so too must force be used to get iran to quit.

    this is unpleasant prospect, but the alternative is less pleasant; in fact... HORRIFIC.

    oh that we had more leaders willing to do the unpleasant to prevent the horrific.
