Sunday, October 29, 2006

HOW THE ENEMY CELEBRATES HOLIDAYS - and its implications...

(1) The Nazis led by Hitler attacked us (and began their last ditch effort to turn us back) as the TWELVES DAYS OF CHRISTMAS began in 1945. They thus started the BATTLE OF THE BULGE. (2) The Vietnamese communist totalitarians, led by Ho Chi Minh attacked us - (also in a last ditch effort to turn us back) - during their own major holiday: TET in 1968; hence the so-called Tet Offensive, which we won on the battlefield, but lost in the MSM, (because then - as now - the MSM carried water for the enemy). (3) In 1973, several Arab/Muslim nations attacked Israel on Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the year for Jews, and COINCIDENTALLY (perhaps) during Ramadan. (4) The neo-jihadists in Iraq - (led by the Iranian supported al Sadr, and by Sunni led al Qaeda) - have attacked us during this year's RAMADAN - (the "holiest" holiday for Muslims, and presumably for jihadists, too), making this the fourth worst month for US casualities for the entire war. Previously, the worst months all came before Iraqi elections. This one coincides, more-or-less, with our own election, too.

I think these attacks speak VOLUMES about the true nature of these enemies: they are EVIL and ruthless people who celebrate death, if not genocide. They have NO REGARD for the transcendent, humanitarian aspect of ANY holiday -- NOT OURS; NOT THEIR OWN. In fact, the only thing they truly CELEBRATE IS DEATH. People like this cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with, or appeased. They must be utterly vanquished.

FDR and Truman - two liberal Democrats - understood this, and acted accordingly. Unfortunately, it seems that today's liberal Democrats no longer have what it takes. They are weak-kneed, and feel that if we appease the enemy they will leave us alone.

Binladen and his ilk are counting on these weak-kneed appeasers getting control of Congress. These Left-wing Democrats have publicly avowed to cut off financial support for our counter-offensivces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and will get "tougher" with Israel and easier on Hamas and Hizballah. That's why if the Democrats win, then Binladen wins. A vote for ANY Democrat is a vote for Binladen. I say this as a person who has been a registered Democrat since 1974.

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