Monday, October 23, 2006


SO... WHICH GROUP IS VICTIMIZED BY MORE HASTE CRIMES IN THE USA, JEWS OR MUSLIMS? Jews. By 7-t0-1! - even though Muslims OUTNUMBER Jews. (Via Memeorandum.)

Jews are also targeted more than Muslims in the EU, and these attacks are increasing
. And on top of that, Muslims are - more often than not - unpunished for their crimes, for their riots, for their EU intifadas in Paris and Gothenberg and Windsor and Brussels.

And yet the Left still blames the JOOOOOZE and/or the so-called "The Israel Lobby" and/or the neocons. Sheesh. As the song asked: When will they ever learn? When will the ever learn?

[I'LL TELL YOU WHEN: When they accept the fact that the West and the Jews are VICTIMS of islamofascist jihad, and not at all deserving of their attacks. When they accept the fact that global jihad is NOT a response to Western hegemony, but the thousand year old goal of a religion which spread ONLY through its use of militancy and terror: Islam. That's when.

I'm not holding my breath. The truth about Islam (that it is - in its current state - largely incompatible with democracy and universal human rights), is as hard for Leftists to accept as is the truth about socialism, (that it is a bankrupt ideology which was an abject failure everywhere it was tried).

Our efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq are in some measure an effort to reshape the Islamic world into one which IS compatible with democracy and universal human rights. This is a HUGE project and a noble cause. One we shouldn't abandon when the going gets tough.

But, if you don't believe that Islam can ever be reformed, or that Muslims don't deserve their univeral human rights, and if you choose to forget that 9/11 proved that we cannot withdraw to safety behind a moat, and if you want to ignore the fact that denial of a threat doesn't make one safe, then by all means VOTE DEMOCRAT - the party of denial, delusion, and ultimately defeat for our side. But they are the terrorists last best hope.]


  1. It's probably the muslims who are committing the hate crimes against they do in Europe.

  2. BTW Jewish cemetary 120 km east of Prague vandalised:

  3. I'll try and return later but I had a few things:

    I couldn't find confirmation of the stats about the Jews and I checked the FBI site. It didn't provide that detail. In general it is pretty sparse on detail. If you have the details, I'd appreciate it.

    Your percentages belie your bias. Certainly any number of hate crimes are bad but I noted that those triggered by religious bias (the one to focus on) involved a total of about 1220 incidents. So your "7 to 1" may be true but we're talking very small numbers here compared, say to the population of America. Further it would appear that both Jews and Muslims are the main objects of hate by, presumably, Christian America.

    Also, one category in the research you don't mention is the "ethnicity/national origin bias" category. It is possible (I could not find the data) that Muslims, among others including Jews, were objects of hate crimes here as well.
