Friday, October 13, 2006

Condi Rice does a James Baker imitation

On September 21, I reported that the United States was downgrading its strategic relationship with Israel as a result of the country's failure to vanquish Hezbullah in this summer's war. Last night, we got yet another indication of that downgrade, as Condaleeza Rice did her best James "F**k the Jews, they don't vote for us anyway" Baker imitiation.

Rice spoke to a dinner marking the third anniversary of the American Task Force on 'Palestine,' or as the group's own web site called it, "ATFP's first annual gala honoring 'Palestinian Americans.'" One of the honorees at the dinner was Professor Mujid Kazimi of MIT, and his award was presented by 'Ambassador' Afif Safieh, "Chief Representative of the PLO Mission to the United States." In other words, Rice shared the podium with the purveyor of the following views:

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