Tuesday, October 24, 2006


YouTube has enjoyed a reputation of upholding the right to freedom of speech. Last week, however, in the space of two hours, I twice attempted to leave a comment to this YouTube video relating to Ahmed Bedier, the Executive Director of the Tampa Chapter of CAIR. Both times, the following message appeared:
"Your comment will be posted once it has been approved."
My comment has never appeared, even three days later. What I attempted to post read somewhat as follows:
"From what I've read, some of the incidents reported by CAIR were not confirmed.

"Frankly, Americans showed remarkable restraint following 9/11."
Today, I left a comment asking why my comments had never appeared. That comment has also not appeared. Apparently, all of my comments were deemed inappropriate.... Read the rest here.

Reliapundit adds: GREAT POST! Welcome aboard! We knew that YouTube was censoring videos, BUT CENSORING COMMENTS!? Sheesh. Then again, I guess it should come as no surprise: the Left proved with Campiagn Finance Reform that they do NOT value free speech. This attitude is historically typical of all Statist ideologies: individual liberty is always subverted to the "common good": the individual straw is weak/breakable, but the bundle of straws - the fasci, in Latin - is strong. Hence, the affinities between Leftists and the Islamofascists: they are both utopianist and Statist ideologies purveyed by folks who think they know what the "common good" is, and that this is more important than doing whatever you think is good for you. Now comes news that GOOGLE/YouTube is starting a PAC. I bet they'll continue support the "common good" even when it abridges free speech!


  1. Reliapundit adds: GREAT POST! Welcome aboard! We knew that YouTube was censoring videos, BUT CENSORING COMMENTS!? Sheesh. Then again, I guess it should come as no surprise: the Left proved with Campiagn Finance Reform that they do NOT value free speech. This attitude is historically typical of all Statist ideologies: individual liberty is always subverted to the "common good": the individual straw is weak/breakable, but the bundle of straws - the fasci, in Latin - is strong. Hence, the affinities between Leftists and the Islamofascists: they are both utopianist and Statist ideologies purveyed by folks who think they know what the "common good" is, and that this is more important than doing whatever you think is good for you. Now comes news that GOOGLE/YouTube is starting a PAC. I bet they'll continue support the "common good" even when it abridges free speech!

  2. Reliapundit,
    Thank you for adding that portion. I've been so caught up in keeping track of this latest with CAIR that I missed the story to which you just linked.

    And thank you for inviting me to join THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS! I deem it a privilege to be posting here.

  3. we are HONORED to have YOU!

  4. AOW,
    I'm so glad your here with us.

