Saturday, October 07, 2006


Socialism and its various incarnations, as I have written before, is a completely discredited utopian fantasy that was responsible for the death and misery of literally millions of people around the world in the last century. To the extent that any society has implemented its ideology, it has led to the impoverishment of material wealth and progress for that society as well as to a sickness of the soul that infects all the individuals within the society.

The end of the 20th century should have seen the relegation of this perverse,anti-human social system to the dustbin of history. And yet, it continues to flourish in academic environments such as Columbia.

A new generation of useful idiots are being cultivated on the university campuses of the West. Instead of being taught about the history of this particularly malignant idea, our children are being indoctrinated into its ideological perversities and encouraged to act them out. And, if you think this is a good thing, think again. These college thugs are learning that the concept of free speech means to prevent the speech of those you disagree with; they are learning not to use reason to argue their point of view, but to use violence and intimidation to impose it on anyone who happens to disagree with them.

Gee, doesn't this sound familiar? Aren't we now at war with the fanatical adherents to a religion that intend to impose their beliefs at the point of a sword? That don't want to tolerate any differences from thier ideology? [Link added by TAB.]

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