Friday, September 22, 2006


... foreign reporters' armored vehicles may (may?) be used to ferry terrorists to carry out terror attacks in Israel. ... [YNET]:
Armored vehicles that were given to foreign news agencies operating in the country with the authorization of the State of Israel, may be used by hostile groups to carry out terror attacks against Israel, Director of the Government Press Office Danny Seaman warned in a letter addressed to Shin Bet Head Yuval Diskin.

On August 27 an Israel Defense Forces helicopter hit an armored vehicle that belonged to the Reuters news agency in Gaza. According to Seaman, the incident illustrated the failures in overseeing the use of armored vehicles granted to the foreign media agencies with the permission of the State.

The vehicle's presence in Gaza in itself constituted a violation of its license terms, and moreover, the jeep was carrying only Palestinians – one with links to Hamas who was not a Reuters employee.
Carrying terrorists in these vehicles goes beyond carrying water for the enemy - literally and figuratively. It is direct and palpable collusion in the enemy's Geneva Convention breaking and OSLO busting terror war. It's disgusting. These MSM scum have no scruples, and of course no shame. Their deceit knows no bounds. They are part of the enemy's operations to commit genocidal terror against Jews.

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