Sunday, September 24, 2006


The inept analysis divisions of the USA intel' community have apparently concluded - according to a politically inspired and timed leak, (intended to hurt Bush and the GOP before the election -- an all too common tactic of late!) - that the Iraq War has exacerbated the enemy. (MEMEORANDUM has a complete roundup.)

SO WHAT?! I mean.... counter-attacking ALWAYS makes the enemy fight-back more! And appeasement, retreat and surrender will always quiet things down - TEMPORARILY. COUNTER-ATTACKS always make the enemy fight-back harder, too - UNTIL THEY SURRENDER - this is just a fact of war; IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN, TOO!
EXAMPLE: In WW2, the Japanese use of kamikazis did not even begin until March 1945! The Japanese became more angry and desperate the closer we got to defeating them, to pulverizing them into unconditonal surrender. The enemy will save their worst most horrible heinous weapons for when they need them most - as they sense that they're getting closer to their defeat.
Until we utterly smash the jihadist enemy EVERYWHERE, they will retaliate - as much as they can, and they will escalate - as much as they can, and they will recruit - AS MUCH AS THEY CAN, becoming more desperate the more we WHACK'EM! This would be true whether we counter-attack them in Iraq or anywhere else.

SO: Can someone PLEASE tell the CIA we're at war with a seriously dangerous enemy!? (And while you're at it: tell the Left and the MSM they dominate.) And there is NO DOUBT that the defeatist anti-American reportage from the MSM has only ENCOURAGED the enemy and their DEFEATIST comrades in the Left! The MSM carrying water for the enemy - operating like a Fifth Column - has a much more negative effect on our resolve and a much more positive effect on the enemy's reslove then our successes on the battlefield.

The FACT is that the enemy has NOT WON A SINGLE, SOLITARY BATTLE IN THE ENTIRE WAR. But the way the MSM is reporting the war, many think we are losing and stuck in a quagmire. This is the result of a deliberate anti-American (so-called "anti-war") effort, and it is truly the most disgusting and dangerous front in the GWOT right now.

And these "anti-war" efforts of the MSM are absolutely going to get worse the closer we get to the election. SO: Brace yourself for more slander and defeatism. Which is why I am always saying: To defeat the jihadist enemy abroad we have to defeat the Left at home.

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