Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Fakes news - otherwise known as propaganda - doesn't just come from the Middle East: NEWSBUSTERS found this - right here on the MSM:
Friday's Good Morning America featured a segment with Robin Roberts in Memphis with three Southern women, identified as Republicans, who are all supposedly "having second thoughts about their party" and now plan to vote for Democrats. But a quick Internet search found that two of the three have backgrounds which raise questions about their fidelity to the GOP.
IOW: they are Democrats! RTWT for details.

MY QUESTION IS: Just how did ABC/GMA "find" these fake Republicans!? Did the fakers hoodwink ABC? Or was the GMA segment producer in on it? If so HE SHOULD BE REPRIMANDED AND DEMOTED.

I think using fake guests is a HUGE scandal, something that wouldn't be - and hasn't been - condoned on the Jerry Springer Show. HAS ABC NEWS AND GMA SUNK LOWER THAN SPRINGER?! Are they that partisan. I guess so.

1 comment:

  1. GMA has a message board here --


    We should all go there and ask for an explanation and/or retraction.
