Monday, September 18, 2006


Already, graffiti is appearing on the Mariperez synagogue with increasing frequency. As a safety precaution, Levy skipped out on an office visit to the synagogue last Monday to avoid colliding with a pro-government march.

Critics claim that Chavez owes his anti-Semitic credentials to his late mentor, Norberto Ceresole, an Argentine ideologue who was well-known for his neo-Nazi views. But Chavez has only recently aimed his vitriol at Israel as he seeks friends in the Middle East, especially in Damascus and Teheran, both of which he visited in the last two months.

The recent wave of anti-Semitism has Venezuelan Jews, used to acceptance, rather nervous. Some even accuse Chavez of bringing in Hizbullah to indoctrinate Wayuu Indians in the west of the country.

"The government has adopted an anti-Semitic policy," explained Eppel.
More on Hizballah in Venezuela here. (Of course, Hizballah is a part of the Iranian jiahdist machine - which Chavez and Fidel have embraced, literally and figuratively.)

9/29/06 - UPDATE: Gateway has more.

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