Tuesday, August 08, 2006


U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and General George Casey have issued a joint statement regarding the assumption by another Iraqi Division of control of its area of operations:
Today, in another sign of progress toward a stable and secure Iraq, the Fourth Iraqi Division Headquarters officially assumed the lead in its area of responsibility from the 101st Airborne Division. This achievement represents the. . .halfway mark of our joint goal of putting all Iraqi Security Forces in the lead in coordinating, planning and conducting security operations in Iraq. We congratulate the Iraqi people and the Government of Iraq on this important milestone.
... Maj. Gen. Bill McCoy, who is in charge of all reconstruction efforts in Iraq, [wrote] to the Washington Post... to protest the Post's coverage of reconstruction efforts. In particular, he objected to an article written by Andy Mosher, who spent three days with McCoy but then, McCoy says, reported incompletely and inaccurately on what he saw. It's a long letter, and the General cites chapter and verse. A very brief excerpt:
He never told folks back home about the thousands of children that are now in 800 new or rebuilt schools, or about oil production now being back to pre-war levels and getting better everyday, or raw sewage being taken out of the streets and put back in the pipes where it belongs, or about the thousands of miles of new roads, or post offices, police stations or courthouses or... well, he just left a great deal out now, didn't he?


Perhaps it's because some in the press don't want the American people to know the truth and prefer instead to only report the negative aspects of the news because "it sells papers."
RELIAPUNDIT: The MSM is dominated by the Left and they are a Fifth Column. Which is why I say, "To defeat the enemy we first have to defeat the Left."

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