Friday, July 07, 2006


Only the people are sovereign. The state derives it's limited powers from the people.

Only nations which are democratic can be truly self-determined; all other forms of government are imposed against the sovereign people.

And love for one's own self-determined nation is patriotism.

Love for any other form of nationhood is mere chauvinism, (or nationalism or tribalism - or a combination thereof).

Check out a brilliant post on this HERE - at The Remedy/The Claremont Institute - via WHEAT'N WEEDS.

ADDENDUM: It's no accident that jihadists and Leftists ( those "Birds of a Feather") both OPPOSE patriotism:
For example, like cosmopolitans, some Islamists despise patriotism as un-Islamic. The loyalty of the Muslim, they say, can only be to the Ummah, the community of all Muslims. In the European Union, patriotism usually coincides with Euroscepticism, and may therefore be rejected on pro-European grounds.
It is not an accident that those who deride people for their unabashed patriotism are most often cosmopolitan elitists and prescriptive utopianists who don't value democracy and empowering the individual as much as they do empowering the state to impose their "more enlighthened utopia" on everyone else.

Those who want a powerful and largely UNELECTED EUSSR government imposed over the nationally sovereign democratic governments within Europe anti-patriots - just like the jihadists.

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