Thursday, July 06, 2006


Israeli Arab named envoy to Greece - Herb Keinon, THE JERUSALEM POST - Jul. 6, 2006
Ali Yihye was named ambassador to Greece on Thursday. Yihye, the first Israeli Arab ambassador, served in this capacity in Helsinki from 1995 - 1999.
Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity

Abba Eban was so right when he said that in 1973 and they have not changed at all. What they have turned Gaza into since the Israeli pullout demonstrates this so clearly as Charles Krauthammer points out:
Before the eyes of the whole world, Israel left Gaza. Every Jew, every soldier, every military installation, every remnant of Israeli occupation was uprooted and taken away.

How do the Palestinians respond? What have they done with Gaza, the first Palestinian territory in history to be independent, something neither the Ottomans nor the British nor the Egyptians nor the Jordanians, all of whom ruled Palestinians before the Israelis, ever permitted? On the very day of Israel's final pullout, the Palestinians began firing rockets out of Gaza into Israeli towns on the other side of the border. And remember: those are attacks not on settlers but on civilians in Israel proper, the pre-1967 Israel that the international community recognizes as legitimately part of sovereign Israel, a member state of the U.N. A thousand rockets have fallen since.
Remember this is what the Palestinians have claimed they wanted - control of their own territory and Israeli withdrawl. No Israeli settlers to complain about and their own government. They could have used that opportunity to have governed themselves and proven how they could help their own people. But that would have meant taking advantage of the opportunity rather than missing that opportunity. And the Palestinians don't do that:
So in 2005 the Palestinians are given Gaza, free of any Jews. Do they begin building the state they say they want, constructing schools and roads and hospitals? No. They launch rockets at civilians and dig a 300-yard tunnel under the border to attack Israeli soldiers and bring back a hostage.
Why are they neglecting their own people in order to carry out this neverending warfare against Israelis? Dr. Krauthammer nails it. Their goal wasn't to drive the Israelis out of the Palestinian territories, but has always been to destroy Israel proper and drive all the Jews out of the Middle East. [Emphasis added.]
RELIAPUNDIT: In Israel, Arabs who choose Israeli citizenship have full equal rights; there is no "apartheid"; Arabs serve in the IDF, if they want to; an Arab is on the Israeli Supreme Court. And now - for the second time, an Israeli Arab is made a full Ambassador for Israel.

Meanwhile, the most Arabs - including the Palistanis - OPENLY demand that Gaza and the West Bank be Judenrein.

As long as this imbalance (asymmetry for you highbrows!) exists there can be and will be no true peace.

Until Jews can OPENLY and peacefully live in Gaza and the West Bank - and Egypt and Jordan and Syria and Iran and Iraq, etc. - there can be no true peace, ONLY A STALEMATE IN WHICH ISRAEL'S EXISTENCE IS GUARANTEED ONLY BY THE IDF.

It matters not whether Hamas or Fatah or Baathists rule the Arabs. What matters is if they accept the right of Israel to exist, and for Jews to live ANYWHERE in the Holy Land.

As long as this is "too much to hope for", there will be a de facto state of war in the Middle East.

It is preferable if it is a cold war - like Israel's relationship with Jordan and Egypt.

Sadly, now - with the Palis - it is a hot war. One which will not cool off until Syria's and Iran's ability to project their power is neutralized. They are behind Hamas and Hizballah. (In the meantime the IDf has no choice but to use force to neutralize the belligerents, the surrogates, the jihadostooges.)

Syria and Iran will only stop messing with Israel after regime change in both countries. This is inevitable, as these totalitarian regimes depend on terror at home to maintain power. The tyrannous mullahs and Baathists cannot keep this up indefinitely. And if we assist the oppositions of each country, then this will happen sooner rather than later.

VDH on Israel HERE.

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