Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Assorted and under-reported recent good news from Iraq.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This looks like an old Chrenkoff list compiled in early 2004 telling us how things were approaching glory in imminently pacified,stabilized democratic Iraq. And everyone found out what deceptive disinformation he was providing.

    Take Barry McCafferty. He described
    Iraq as a mess ,five years away from stabilization,
    AFTER his list of "good news,"
    some contained here. I guess optimism all depends on how "patient" one believes the US public should be after so many "turning points" have proven
    For every piece of "good news"
    underreported in the MSM, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Patrick Cockburn tells us there are a myriad political,personal,
    and street-criminal assassinations,kidnappings, rapes and maimings carried out which are unreported due to the anarchy prevailing in Iraq and the consequent lack of reporters'
    But if Iraq were pacified tomorrow,
    Iran would still be the winner,
    as NR's John Derbyshire sees.

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM


    John Derbyshire, the REALIST
    conservative corrects his pie-in-the-sky co-worker.

  3. there is some bad news, macaffery cises some, but mmccaffery is OVERWHMEIMINGKLY psoitive and no one ever said it would take less than 12 tears to put down the insurgency - that;s the average; the pentagon has ALWAYS said thuis.

    soon, the US troops will dimninish and the iraqis will com plete the job with out aid but largely on their own.

    why do you oppose aifing a nacsent democracy!?

    why do you oppose dethroning genocidal tyrants?

    and you argue against STRAW MEN: repeat: no one said it was gonna be easy to defeat the jihaodterorrists in iraq or elsewhere.

    this is a global war against an implaccablbe foe WHO HAS A FIFTH COLUMN RIGHT HERE IN THE USA: people like you. and derbyshire - a PRO ABORTION CONSERVATIVE (so-called!).

    you and he would abort babies and the nascent demcoracies in iraq and afbghanistan.

    shamelss cowardly idiotic positions.
    appeasement never made a pastign peace or asvanced the cause of freedom.


  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    you're wrong on the facts.

    USA Today has collated a list of pre-war predictions by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz,Feith and other Bushies...They all predicted
    a war lasting "weeks or months."
    With Iraq's new government stable & in place by end 2003.

    Yesterday the reports said your
    "soon leaving" troops were
    preparing to stay 50 years. For once, I hope you're right. But they'll probably need more attitude
    adjustment, and masses in the streets here as in the Vietnam
    era to make their egress.

  5. Anonymous8:16 PM


    this is "democracy" blooming in Iraq's SECOND city. funny,no mention of the deteriorating conditions in either AB or the NR Chrenkoff wannabee's glowing

  6. yawn.

    straw man.

    no one said it was perfect.

    the enemy is still on the attack.

    we mustn't retreat in the face of their persistent attacks - as misguided doves advise.

    retreat only invites more attacks.

    watch the kurdish rep from rep from kurdistan ro rhe ysa at c-span, and then comment.


  7. to my troll -
    IP Address 66.161.231.# (Fuse Internet Access)
    ISP Fuse Internet Access
    Continent : North America
    Country : United States (Facts)
    State : Kentucky
    City : Newport -

    get your own blog and a nom de plume.

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Yesterday Juan Cole outlined some of the daunting metrics involved,in response to Paul Bremer's weekend "counsel for
    military victory."

    Cole says the Sunni resistance is 60,000 strong, the Sunnis almost unanimously support it and will not
    help fight it.

    Cole points out the Sunnis
    although far fewer than the Shias possess far greater skills in aiding an insurgency. Cole's conclusion: A. the US does not have nearly the troops to squash the insurgency and B. the Shias not nearly the skills-hence a political settlement is the only solution and Bremer is kidding himself about a military victory
    (as might AB .)

  9. juan cole!?!?! bwahahaha! cit chomsky too, and ward churchill. and lew rickwell!


    thanks for posting this. it exposes you for who you are, you and your ilk.

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    you'll blame the Iraq war loss on us too when its a done deal,rather than the criminal elite who planned it eg. Perle, Feith, Cheney.

  11. u: blah blah blah.

    me: we are winning.

    the so-called crinimal elite you name are great men who have LIBERATED millions and MILLIONS.

