Monday, June 12, 2006


CNN: Palestinian security forces clash - Clash kills 2 in Rafah; fire at government building in Ramallah

Monday, June 12, 2006 Posted: 2030 GMT (0430 HKT) - JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Palestinian security forces were on high alert Monday after Palestinian Authority and Hamas security forces clashed in Rafah, resulting in two deaths.

If either Fatah or Hamas is a security force, then George Bush is the Dalai lama. These are two terrorist groups comprised of genocidal, misogynistic, child-abusing islamothugs. In ANY clash between them, one can only hope that BOTH sides lose. More HERE on their uncivil war (BBC):

Gunmen loyal to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have set fire to the offices of the Hamas prime minister and parliament in Ramallah. Security personnel and militiamen fired shots then rampaged through the offices in protest at earlier Gaza clashes. Hamas MP Khalil Rabei was briefly kidnapped, but later released.

I'd call them animals but it would unkind to all animals - including hyenas, snakes, and e coli. AS JIM ROSE PUT IT:
You hear all this talk from the anti-American types like Jack Murtha and Ted Kennedy about a civil war in Iraq when the real civil war in the Middle East is going on in the Palestinian territories.
More on Palistan's Civil War between rival jihadoterrorist crime families HERE.


  1. All the talk about Iraq being in a civil war is crap. This is the real civil war.

  2. you are exaclty right. will ink.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    sounds a little like the often criminal Afghan warlords fighting the Taliban. Few democrats here.
