Friday, June 02, 2006


Four gunmen and a security guard have been killed in clashes between suspected militants and security forces in the Syrian capital, Damascus. Officials said a "terrorist" attack on a building near the offices of Syrian state TV and radio had been halted.

Four militants were also arrested and were being interrogated. It was not clear why the building was a target. Several international hotels, government buildings and the city university are located in the area.
Assad's weakness is drawing out his foes, and making Assad even more repressive and defensive. I think the Brammertz Report - due in two weeks - may very well lead to his overthrow, exile, or assassination. He will go soon - either like Ceausescu or Baby Doc' or Idi Amin or Gorbachev. And the neighborhood will improve as a result: Hizballah will weaken - strengthening Lebanon's democracy and securing the borders between Lebanon, Syria and Israel. Jordan will be safer, too. As will Iraq. FASTER PLEASE!


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Brammertz Report is being overshadowed by rapidly decling ethical position in Iraq of US.
    More good news for Assad.

  2. you are typical of all Lefties who believe the worst reports of our enemies, and disbelieve our govt and our pentagon.

    you LEAP at their propaganda, and reserve skepticism for the greatest force for democracy and loiberty and properity in all of human history - THE USA.

    AND: ishagqi has been disproved.

    as for haditha: i warn you: don't "get out too far in front of the newscycle."

    ALSO: remember that wazr is hell, and that the worst we do RARELY will be ounsihed, and the enemy does worse and does it gleefully.

    therefore, when you join the critics of the US military in iraq, you EFFECTIFVELY do the enemies bidding.

    as the left did during Vietnam.
    As kerry did in 1971.


    Ishaqi troops followed rules of engagement

    More reason to not jump to conclusions about charges that US troops deliberately slaughter civilians.

    From ABC News

    Troops appear in the clear on Ishaqi incident.

    Horrific images of Iraqi adults and children have fueled new allegations that U.S. troops killed civilians in the Iraqi town of Ishaqi. But ABC News has learned that military officials have completed their investigation and concluded that U.S. forces followed the rules of engagement.

    A senior Pentagon official told ABC News the investigation concluded that the allegations of intentional killings of civilians by American forces are unfounded.

    Military commanders in Iraq launched an investigation soon after the mid-March raid in the village of Ishaqi, about 50 miles north of Baghdad.

    Maj. Gen. William Caldwell will make a statement about the Ishaqi allegations today in Baghdad, ABC News has learned.

    BTW: we committed worse atrocities in WW2. And i repeat: the jihaodmaniacs do woprse tot heir own, and you and your comrades on the left say BUPKUS - and thereby abdicate any moral authority to criticize the US for the occassiuonal lapses.

    have you no shame!?

    thanks for reading and commenting. with links, too.

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM,2933,197556,00.html

    Now,asstooter, I DO believe the Pentagon SOMETIMES--like when its quoted in this Fox News story last Tuesday conceding the INSURGENCY IS HOLDING ITS OWN AFTER THREE YEARS IN IRAQ!

    And yes, the US DID commit worse atrocities in WW 2, glad you admit that. I would have been an
    "America Firster"then,joining Norman Thomas on the Left and
    Lindbergh on the Right opposing our involvement.

    But back to Iraq,you can't win for losin'--A NY Times cover story last week quoted newly "elected" Prime Minister Maliki, one of your Shia heroes, accusing US troops of having committed widespread atrocities against both his people and the Sunnis.

    Hint:when the US finally leaves,the pro-Iranian Shias who have the balance of power, will immediately adopt an anti-American policy aligned somewhat with Iran.

    If that's your definition of
    "victory," you should turn your blog over to Michael Moore.
