Monday, June 26, 2006


The NYTIMES withheld what it knew about the NSA Surveillance Program for a year before publishing it - (COINCIDENTLY just before they published a book about it, in 2005).

Because of the delay, the NYTIMES took HELL from the Left.

Basically, Leftists charged that the NYTIMES deliberately withheld the info to help Bush win re-election, (AS IF "PINCH" TOOK ORDERS FROM ROVE!). The Left would've preferred it if the NSA leak had been published just before the election - like the "FAKE BUT ACCURATE" T.A.N.G. documents. The Left thinks that if the NSA leak 's publication had been properly timed, it might've helped Kerry defeat Bush. (This is probably what the NSA leakers had wanted and wished for when they leaked the info.)

I think the attack by the Left against the NYTIMES on the NSA leak has made the NTIMES shyer of holding back sensitive info, and had a major influence on their decision to publish info about the SWIFT Surveillance program - even though the program has lead to the capture of terrorists, is entirely legal, and only monitored INTERNATIONAL & INSTITUTIONAL transactions and had absolutley NO effect on the privacy of a single solitary American citizen.

In effect, the NYTIMES decided it was better to pander to their base than do the right thing. JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

By driving the Democrats and media outlet like the NYTIMES and the LATIMES teven further to the Left, all the DAILY KOS types are really accomplishing is the MARGINALIZATION of the Democrat Party and the MSM. Which will only hasten their demise. GOOD RIDDANCE.

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