Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Gore thinks lying is okay. Key graf - from DISSECTING LEFT:
"Wednesday's Washington Times ran a column on global warming by Cato's Patrick Michaels in which he quoted Al Gore as saying, "I believe it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience." As a public service I will now translate this politically obtuse statement into English; It is alright to lie to people in order to scare them into doing something that is against their own interest.
"OVERREPRESENTATION OF FACTUAL PRESENTATIONS"?!?! Er, um... I think that this is pseudo-intellectual jargon for for "fake but accurate!" - or "getting too far out in front of the TRUTH cycle." Heh.

Gore is a Leftist and since the advent of post-modernism Leftists don't believe that objective truth exists, so OF COURSE lying is okay. (Which is why the Left is so very VERY good at lying - just observe the MSM: according to the MSM, the economy sucks, even though by all historical standards and OBJECTIVE measures it is better now than during the Clinton Era.)


  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    There aint no global warming. it just feels that way to Gore because his pants are on fire.

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Gore's comment referred to the fact that his movie spends a lot of time talking about the problem and not much time talking about the solution.

    I wonder if you can recognize the irony in dishonestly quoting Gore in order to make him appear dishonest, and then excoriating him for his dishonesty.
