Saturday, May 20, 2006



They deserve what they have: a filthy nest of corrupt, vicious, blood-thirsty, murdering, raping, pillaging, thieving jihadomaniacs.

If they want to live like civilized human beings then the first thing they have to do is abandon their dehumanizing ideology of hate, genocide, and misogyny. IOW: ISLAM - as it is preached and practiced by HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF POOR, ENSLAVED, BRUTALIZED MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Places like Pakistan and Afghanistan and Thailand and Sudan, and Jordan, and Chechnya - and MANY MANY MORE PLACES - WHERE THERE ARE NO ZIONISTS AND NO AMERICANS AND NO REPUBLICANS AND NO CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS - are nevertheless rife with jihadomania. IOW: the root cause of Muslim rage is not anything we in the West do (or have done), but something INTERNAL to the Muslim religion and Muslim culture.

If Muslims want to have peaceful and properous lives, then they have to REFORM THEMSELVES. (Prosperity and peace are by-products of liberty and democracy.) Is this possible possible WITHIN Islam? This man says no.

And the current Turkish situation is NOT encouraging, either: even there - even after nearly a SOLID CENTURY OF SECULARISM - jihadomania is still a VERY REAL threat to life, limb, liberty and prosperity. If Attaturk's INCREDIBLE reforms - which were for decades ruthlessly enforced - couldn't take root there, then where can they? CAN THEY ANYWHERE?

There is scant evidence - anywhere - that it can.

Before we give up on 1/6th of humanity, we should do whatever we can to liberate them and save our brothers and sisters who suffer under this archaic and harmfuland hateful ideology. And we don't have to limit our efforts to the use of military force.

We can and should use our economic and diplomatic force more directly. We should require that all nations which belong to the UN enforce the UN's Declaration of Human Rights. We should require that no nation be permitted to allow forced marriage, "female circumscision", "honor-killings", endogamous marriage, or polygamy. Any state that permits these anti-humane/anti-female practices should be banished from all international organizations: the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, OPEC, etc.

Nations which persist in permitting the practice of archaic, anti-humane acts mustn't be allowed to benefit from membership in - or trade with - the modern civilized world.

Moral ambiguity on this matter leads to inactivity, and that is essentially, merely another form of appeasement.

Ultimately, if the modern word is going to win this confrontation, then we must deal with the root cause. And direct politicial confrontation with those nations which permit anti-humane practices is what is presently needed.


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Fro $10 on Amazon you can buy a copy of the Koran; by the time I got 1/3rd of the way into it I was scared. Want to get your wife to behave there is a simple three step process: 1st don't talk to her, 2nd don't "go to her bed", 3rd give her a good beating. Want to deal with Jews and it for yourself. Finally there's this admonition to the faithful:" may have to live amoung them, but you must never be thier friend..." Ten dollars isn't much to learn the truth for yourself!

  2. but the koran is not "true islam" - heh.

    thanks for testifying.

  3. Reliapundit,
    Are you turning a corner, or have you always thought there is much chance of actually reforming Islam? Being the supporter of our Democracy Project that you have always been, I thought you believed wholeheartedly that it would work.

    I have always thought it could work, but for the last six months or so it become more and more apparent to me that we have not been strong enough in enforcing human rights.

    At this point, it seems to me our project will likely fail, which isn't the same thing as saying I believe we should give up.

    We need to see it through to its end. Then, we will know what to do.

  4. pasto -

    i believe these people need to be liberated from their tyranny and tyrannous ideology.

    i believe that this requires what we HAVE been doing AND MORE:

    and that's the AGGRESSIVE/ASSERTIVE diplomatic measures.

    left to themselves, the jihadothugs wil continue to terrosize US and their own peoples.

    like abusive parents: the jihadothugs must be stopped. we MUST intervene and save their abused children - the muslim peoples - who are our brothers and sisters - who are forced live under jihadothuggery. THEY MUST BE SAVED.

    they deserve their innate liberty as much a s yo9u and me.

    and prosperity will come after.

    prosperity is a by product of liberty.

    so all i am saying is that we need to BROADEN our efforts in an agressive/non-military way.

    priciply by isolating those nations which deny human rights to women.

    all the best!

    BTW: i think i have been consistent on this. no corners turned.

    democracy will reform them somewhat - turkey is beetr than saudi arabia. but it cannot eradicate the koran's jihadism.

    we need to make these cultures change the practices which reinforce their inhumanism: mostly that they treat women as chattel and non-muslims as non-humans.

  5. The reason it seems that you have turned some sort of corner is because in this article it seems as if you are saying that Islam is not compatible with Democracy. Our efforts in Iraq are not going to stamp out Islam, nor are they aimed to doing so, so how do you reconcile the two ideas?

    If Islam is not compatible with Democrcay then our efforts in Iraq are doomed to failure.

  6. democracy will lead to a partial reform; further changes are necessary - like compliance to UN's dec of UNIVERSAL Human Rights -- IOW: equal rights for women.

    the changes wil take time.

    we are aggressively moving in afgh. and iraq. we need to move on other fronts in other regions.

    my suggested diplo effort could do that.


    democracy will help, but it 's not a pancea.

    democracy is one front - not the only front.

    middle east is one front, not the only front.

    GOT IT?!

  7. mil;isrty is one measn, not the only means.

    we should isolate the women-bashing/honor-killing/endoganous/polyganous nations.

    these practices distort their children's mores, morals. lives.

    and changing these priactices can input more pressure for islam to reform - if that's possible.

    it wpn't be possible if we just leave them alone.

  8. Yes, I get it. Your view is more nuanced than I understood.

    Is it ok that I have accused you of nuance?


  9. nu ance - no answer. so: NO.
    i advocate attacking the enemy in many way and on many front. using what's most likely to succeed on a situational basis. it is not nuanced; it is complex.
    nuanced measn gradated subtly. my starateies are overly different, andobviously tailored to each "battlefield."

    all the best!
