Tuesday, May 16, 2006


A substantial and growing number of reputable climatologists argue climate change is a natural process which involves more than greenhouse gases, and they question whether human activity has much effect. They point out temperatures have actually fallen slightly in recent years despite unprecedented levels of economic activity and rates of greenhouse gas emissions. They note, too, that temperatures rose in the twenty years to 1940, when industrial activity was well below present levels, and fell during the following twenty years when activity and emissions increased.

It is a matter of geological record that high temperatures occurred in previous eras before there was any industrial - or human - activity at all. More recently, temperatures were high around the 8th century and fell during the 16th century Little Ice Age, without help from industry.
When an eco-nut explains the anomlies listed above I will reconsider my opinion that climate change IS NOT man-made. Until then, I consider those who argue that global-warming is man-made to be fools.

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