Wednesday, May 31, 2006


FLEMMING ROSE/DLC; (he's the Danish editor who published the Muhummed cartoons):
Europe today finds itself trapped in a posture of moral relativism that is undermining its liberal values. An unholy three-cornered alliance between Middle East dictators, radical imams who live in Europe, and Europe's traditional left wing is enabling a politics of victimology. This politics drives a culture that resists integration and adaptation, perpetuates national and religious differences, and aggravates such debilitating social ills as high immigrant crime rates and entrenched unemployment.

... multiculturalism that has all too often become mere cultural relativism is an indefensible proposition that often justifies reactionary and oppressive practices. Giving the same weight to the illiberal values of conservative Islam as to the liberal traditions of the European Enlightenment will, in time, destroy the very things that make Europe such a desirable target for migration.

Europe must shed the straitjacket of political correctness, which makes it impossible to criticize minorities for anything -- including violations of laws, traditional mores, and values that are central to the European experience. ...

Maybe Europe needs to take a leaf -- or a whole book -- from the American experience.
I agree whole-heartedly. And I urge the DLC to take a clear and bold and LOUD stand against multiculturalism and PC and moral relativism. Which means they must take on the Lefties/doves in their OWN party. They've done this before: it led to Clinton's victories, in part. Whereas the Left gave us McGovern.

[ASIDE: The Lefties/doves/Kos-sacks think the DLC is the same as the GOP. They're wrong. They're also wrong about Bush - who is closer to the DCL on some issues than he is to his own base!]


[ADDENDUM: Pope Benedict's book attacks the same things.]

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