Monday, May 22, 2006


Syria: Resolution 1680 constitutes unwarranted pressure and provocation

UN Security Council members issued resolution 1680 to crank up the pressure on Syria to agree to formal diplomatic ties and representation with Lebanon and to delineate their common border, especially in areas where the border is uncertain. Russia and China, two-veto wielding powers, abstained from voting on the new resolution sponsored by the US, UK, and France. ...

The resolution pushed Syria to take steps to quote "prevent arms flows from Syrian territory to militias in Lebanon", and it called on "all concerned states and parties" to co-operate with the Lebanese government and the United Nations in fully implementing the 2004 resolution number 1559. US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said that language in the resolution referred to Iran and Hizbollah as well as to Syria. ...the resolution is a pre-emptive step preceding another step that would materialize in a month's time, when UN chief investigator Serge Brammertz issues his report over former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's assassination.
Syrian and Iranian tyrants don't like the new resolution. So it must be good. Reasonable observers must agree that things are getting tougher for Assad, not better. HE WILL SOON BE GONE: One less ally for Iran and their jihadoterrorist stooges.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Of course many of Assad's Syrian
    rivals are just as anti-American
    as the optometrist. And since he is an Alawite holding Sunni jihadists and extreme nationalists
    at bay in a milder form of Baathism than Hussein's,be careful
    what you hanker for.

    Remember what Bush got when he
    pressured the Palestinian democratic process? Heh-heh.

  2. sharon and buhs erred by allowing hamas on the balloy B4 they reformed. blair didn't do this w the IRA not zapatero with eta.

    nevertheless the election clarified the conflict. and may lead - is leading - to a civil war amongst pal murderers. which is ok, too.

    yrians deserve democracy.

    or do you think they don't?


    democracy means they decide - not bush or as--oles like you.

  3. btw: u r wrong about assad's rivals: they are NIUT anti0american; they have been meeting here in dc setting up a govt in exile.


  4. Anonymous5:12 PM


    Those are the US sponsored branch
    of Assad opponents. Meaning they
    have no credibility in Syria. Just like Allawi and the US sponsored
    wing of Iraqis who opposed
    Hussein, chiefly secular free-market Westernized ,pro-Israelis.

    An endangered species in the Mideast.

    Ditto with any US sponsored Iranian "democrats." Unless
    they're double agents, which Chalabi, incidentially,
    might have been ,in Iraq.
    (Chalabi assured the neocons
    the Iraqis would put flowers
    in US soldiers guns and invite
    Israelis over to teach them the
    finer points of capitalism.)

    Yeah,right. But you might have
    believed him at the time.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    by the way, it might be good to check in with experts in the field if you are bent on commenting on the intricacies of Mideast trends. Landis is excellent
    on SYRIA, having much experience there and having I believe,
    a Syrian wife/academician.

    I don't always agree with him,but compared with the neocons he is Mr. Perfect.

  6. you dont know of what you frikin write!

    you wrote:

    "US sponsored branch
    of Assad opponents."

    wrong. one was assad's pop's right hand man for decades. it includes a broad range of anti-baathists.

    i see you have dropped the us=saddam BS/lies.

    listen kiddo: my parents were card-carrying commies and i grew up in the anti-war dove sex and drugs socialist "new" left.

    i BELIEVED all that crap once, but i gave up on it after reagan proved it was all wrong.

    just face REALITY: marx was wrong abiout everything and hayek was right.

    reagan and thatcher were good, ad was denziaoping.

    the contemporary left - the post-0modern left is the home of the reactyiobaries now.
    and the anti-semites.

    and the por-jihais.

    folks like juan cole and ANSWER and murtha and kerry.

    leftiost scum.

    who have been wrong and/or lying for the last 40 years!

    wrong about the USSR aboiut vietnam about reagan and the pershings about thatcher aout hayek about EVERYTHING.

    incldiong bush and iraq.

    WAKE UP!

    i know it's possible: I WOKE UP.

    you can do it, kiddo!

  7. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Allawi was Hussein's man for decades before aligning with the US. A "broad range of anti-Baathists." So? Does that make them
    pro-American free marketers who will make peace with Israel? If it does, they will be rejected by the
    vast majority of their own people.
    (That's not the vibe in the
    And if not, you are simply practising the "creative destruction" Landis mentions;he uses the term neocons invented.
    Creating havoc and believing
    something positive for America --and Israel will result.
    It didn't in Iraq and it won't if tried in Syria.

  8. repeat: iraq is measureably better now than underr saddam, and no threat to usa or our allies. fewer iraqis die each day now than under saddam. ad half of them are bad guys.

    repeat: democracy doesnlt gaurantee paradise; it puts nations on the right track, and it's something ALL human beings deserve/are ENTITKED TOO. it does NOT guarantee that the nation will foillow us policy - led by the gop or the dems. IT SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.

    the bsuhies donlt pick the winners; the people do. IT'S DEMOCRACY fuhcryingouttears!

    the havoc in iraq is the product of jihadists who would olove to cut off your head. not the us.

    you are a dupe of leftist brainwahing. sad.

    i love how you fail to admot thati have proved you points false, and just try to MOVEON to other points - stale leftist trash points.

    start thinking critically, kiddo.

    look at the nations of the world which actuially do offer an ever im proving life to their citizens: they ain't the soshie states.

    china ahnd india and ireland and south korea prove beyond ANY reasonabkle doubt that leftism is an abject FAILURE.

    and reaganism/thatheris/hayekian poilicies just plain friggin WORK: they defeated inflation; recession; unemploymeny; stagnation; the soivets and their stooges, and so on.

    wake up and smell the reality, kiddo!!!

  9. bTW: saddam killed/murdered more iraqis per year than have died in th current since 2003.

    an d saddam's figure DOESN'T include thiose he sent to die ij his war against Iran.

    a war he fouhgt woth USSR equipment. not usa.

    as henry k said abiout that war: "too bad they both can't lose!"

    we had no dog in that fight.


    or dont; ypou remeber a little thing called



    it wasn;t called IRAQ Contra, you dupe!

  10. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Wrong on many counts. Amnesty Int'l
    among others says the US has caused MORE Iraqi deaths per time of occupation than did Hussein.

    Also Lancet, the US Journal.

    The US supported Iraq with both weaponry and intelligence in the Iran -Iraq War.Including anthrax.

    Henry Kissinger oversaw a loss in Vietnam. Ironically you're quoting him now during a loss in Iraq.

    Bush and you stand condemned by your own words. I quote Bush when he demanded Syria vacate Lebanon:
    "No country can have a free and
    fair election when occupied."

    The election you hail in Iraq is by that very statement illegitimate.

    And the government governs nothing,not even the Green Zone.

  11. the lancet article has been COMPLETED debunked. ditto AI.
    we sold missiles to IRAN. it was called IRAN CONTRA baby, not IRAQ COINTRA, you iz worng. you iz repeating leftist lies.

    we did NOT lose vietnam.

    the last ground troop left vietnam on 3.29.73.

    saigin fell in 1975. only afer leftist dove dems abandoined the SVG by cutting off funding - exactly what slanderous treasonous kewrry asked for in his lying trstimony before the senate on april 22 1971.

    REPEAT: we did not lose the vietnam war, the dove dems surredered.

    if we had kept financing the SVG than today SOUTH vietnam would be almost as rich and as free as SOUTH KOREA, instead of vietnam being a tyrannized imposverished marxist state like NORTH korea.

    you lebanon comment is idiotic and moronic and wrong.


    lebanon was occupied against it';s will and against unsc resolutions which assad - a socialist/baathistb TYRANT murderer is still violating - at least according to several UNANIMOUS unscr's.

    stop regurgitating the leftist lies ans start thinking CRITICALLY.

    the truth is our there, kiddo!

    i know you can deprogram yourself: i did it.
    i was raised by card-carrying commies.
    read hayek.
    read revel.
    read horowitz.

    admit that reagan and thatcher were rioght abiut EVERYTHING
    ireland and china and india and the UK PROVE IT. as does SOUTH korea.

    porpseroity is the by-product of liberty.

    no nation EVER improved its economy by redistributing property.

    wake up.

