Monday, March 20, 2006


The Left - and the Democrat Party and MSM they dominate - have been LYING about what Bush and the "neo-cons" claimed would be the "degree of difficulty" of the current project: the democratization in Iraq ans Afghanistan. The Left has REPEATEDLY charged the Bush&Co. claimed that it was going to be a "cakewalk." HERE'S THE TRUTH - VIA YARGB/FLARES IN THE DARKNESS:

October 16, 2003
TO: Gen. Dick Myers
Paul Wolfowitz
Gen. Pete Pace
Doug Feith
FROM: Donald Rumsfeld

SUBJECT: Global War on Terrorism
"It is pretty clear that the coalition can win in Afghanistan and Iraq in one way or another, but it will be a long, hard slog."
A "hard slog" is not a cakewalk. A hard slog is what we're going through right now. Just like Rummy said. If we persevere we will win. The Left will NOT persevere; the Left will abandon the Iraqis and the Afghanis as soon as they can - JUST LIKE THEY DID TO THE SOUTH VIETNAMESE AND THE CONTRAS. That's why we mustn't let the Left - meaning THE DEMOCRAT PARTY - win any seats in the next Congressional elections.

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