Saturday, March 04, 2006


Vanderleun of THE AMERICAN DIGEST has an interesting and provocative post on the Oscars. It made me wanna post some thoughts on Hollywood. HERE GOES:

The movie biz is smaller than other parts of the Mass Media; the music biz and the porn biz and the computer game biz are all bigger, and YET, the MSM fawns over H-wood and actors as if H-wood was the absolute apex of our culture and society, and as if actors were the most intelligent, able, noble and important people on the planet.

The fact is that most actors are under-educated "empaths" whose primary talent is PRETENDING to be someone else. They are trained to be able to have unfettered empathy for any character - even characters considered evil by traditional culture - so that they can BELIEVABLY play anyone, including whores, murderers and other assorted villains.

[ASIDE: Actors are most often rewarded with Oscars for portraying whores, murderers, villians - and other assorted misrcreants, deviants, and iconoclasts - because playing them is simultanepously a "stretch" and a paean to "anti-heroism" - which became the "holy grail" of acting ever since the studio-system was demolished by New Dealers/Leftists, and Brando and Dean "took over" the scene.] (For a little more on the old versus the new Hollywood click HERE and HERE and HERE.)

I believe - like legendary studio boss Jack Warner did - that movies are meant to be entertainment first and informative/intellectually challenging second. And I believe that when they are informative, they should be accurate, truthful and high-minded.

The pity is that most "INFO-movies" which have gotten released and heavily promoted are ones which are untruthful and instead attempt to reinforce LEFTISM - the dominant ideology in h-wood. IOW: they are propaganda.

I say that this is bad marketing and manufacturing for H-wood. I do NOT favor ANY limitation of free speech; Leftists SHOULD be allowed to say whatever they want - truthful or not. (That what they say is most often NOT truthful is only because their ideology is bankrupt.)

What I do feel is bad and wrong and immoral and BAD MARKETING is the dirth of centrist and traditional/bourgeois movies.

When H-wood does make them, they do phenomenally well: Movies like The Incredibles, Narnia, and Last Temptation, ALL outsell the "Brokebacks" and the "Syrianas" but still... they are so so so so SO tough to get backing for. Or praise for. WHY!? Because they don't jibe with the DOMINANT ideology of H-wood.

The people who are truly blacklisted in H-wood are ALL on the right. As a result, the breadth of movie offerings in any given week falls short, and the B.O. numbers reflect that.

WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Conservative people should make more - and INVEST IN MORE in - movies.

Sure, sure, sure : movies are not a fiscally conservative type of venture to invest in. I say: BS! An investment of $2-5 million in a innovative story with traditional values can easily reap in ten times what it cost. Unfortunately there are too few producers who are traditionalists, or so-called conservatives. As a result, more and more people continue to migrate away from movies. YUP: more than anything else right now, the Leftism of H-wood is killing the industry and driving people to other forms of entertainment and other media.

NEED PROOF: Everyone predicts that this year's Oscars will be the lowest rated. And it's the first time in HISTORY that H-wood's ticket sales have declined three years in a row. And it's the first time dollar sales of gross BO have declined. YUP: and the major reason is that H-wood is not giving people what they want; H-wood is telling people what they think the people should want - but don't becasue we're dumb bourgeois cretins. That effete and elitist attitude may make H-wood popular in Paris, Aspen and Tehran, but not in Peoria. It might make Clooney a hero in Madrid and Damascus, but not in Dallas.

If H-wood could abandon its attachment to knee-jerk anti-traditionalism, and if they REALLY supported free speech, then they would dedicate this year's Oscars to Theo Van Gogh and the M'hummed cartoons - and not the joys of sodomy, gender "re-assignment" and the like. But the dominant Lefties of H-wood are REALLY too cowardly to take on the REAL enemies of liberty. And they are too shallow to self-examine their own idiotic, shallow, 1960's Leftism. That's why they deserve their decline.


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