Friday, March 03, 2006



ROBERT D. KAPLAN WROTE THE FOLLOWING IN THE WASHPOST - titled, "We Can't Force Democracy; Creating Normality Is the Real Mideast Challenge" :
Globalization and other dynamic forces will continue to rid the world of dictatorships. Political change is nothing we need to force upon people; it's something that will happen anyway. What we have to work toward -- for which peoples with historical experiences different from ours will be grateful -- is not democracy but normality. Stabilizing newly democratic regimes, and easing the development path of undemocratic ones, should be the goal for our military and diplomatic establishments. The more cautious we are in a world already in the throes of tumultuous upheaval, the more we'll achieve.
Paul at POWERLINE argues that Kaplan is making a distinction without a difference:
... the practical difference between Kaplan's classically conservative view and the supposedly hardline neo-conservatism of the administration probably is not substantial.
All humans are literally and figuratively born free (desiring to eat, sleep, crawl and do just about everything as we please - when we please, from the moment we are born); in other words, we are each NATURALLY sovereign over ourselves.

Democracy is simply the only way free persons can give their personal consent to be governed - it's the only way a nation can truly self-determine its governmental system. Tyrannies cannot logically or morally claim to be self-determined; they are determined at the end of a barrel of a gun, so-to-speak; the gun-holder determines everything; the people nothing.

Put another way: Democracy is merely how mutual consent is arrived at among people who each enjoy their innate, universal human rights. There is no other way mutual consent - and therefore legitimate self-determination - can be achieved.

The only form of government which can be said to be truly "imposed" is the tyranny that people suffer under when they are trapped by undemocratic regimes - whether they're ruled by an aristocratic, Marxist, or Baathist elite.

The so-called neo-conservative agenda of Bush is identical to the classically liberal agenda of FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ and Reagan. It consists mainly of taking assertive/active/positive steps toward removing the imposed tyranny and assisting the newly liberated people to form their own democracy.

This is why we refer to wars fought for this reason as wars of liberation. Those who refer to it as imposition are mistaken. We liberated Europe from Hitler and then the USSR; we did not impose democracy on Europe. Ditto Japan.

As the oldest, richest and strongest democracy in the world we have a moral duty to try to help our brothers and sisters everywhere become free - to help them re-attain their innate liberty. And this means helping them rid themselves of tyranny, and helping them design and implement a democratic government of their own.

Kaplan's suggestion that we should instead follow a less assertive and more "cautious" laissez faire attitude is tantamount to resigning that we cannot shape events - or that when we can, it's too risky because it's somewhat destabilizing, and that instability is worse than a status quo which accepts genocidal tyrannies which enslave millions and millions of people and keeps them trapped in societies and economies which can only breed inequity, ignorance and poverty.

Well, I assert that all humans everywhere are capable of democracy - and deserve it as much as me and Kaplan. Kaplan and others think this is not the case; he explicitly argues that stability for people who already enjoy liberty and the fruits of liberty is more important than assisting our fellow humans who suffer under tyranny, and I say that this is highly ill-liberal of them - and somewhat racist and ethnocentric, too.

I know that any Afghan infant - even the child of Taliban parents - or any Iraqi infant, or any Pakistani infant, or any Palestinian infant who would be adopted by Americans and raised in the USA would be as "American" as anyone else raised here. IOW: propensity for violent jihadofascism is NOT genetic; if kids are raised to believe that tyranny and terror are okay, then they will believe that is the case. But their believing it does not make it so - just as believing the earth is flat does not make it so.

If Kaplan and others agree that there is no genetic component, then they are essentially arguing that all humans have the innate capacity for democracy but NOT the same cultural capacityy, then they are essentially arguing (in the case of Iraq, for example) that Islam and democracy are incompatible.

Since there are many Muslim democracies and many millions of Muslims living under democracy in nations which are not majority-Muslim, I think those who argue that Islam and democracy can't work co-exist are just simply wrong.
And those who say we can't help transform tyrannical nations into democratic are just as wrong. And those who say the help shouldn't be forceful - when some force is necessary, are wrong, too.

I do feel that Arab Muslim nations have special hurdles to overcome on their path to democracy - some of these hurdles are related to their particularly fervent cultural practices: polygamy, endogamous and consanguineous marriage, and misogyny.

I feel these contribute more to Arab poverty and to their diathesis for xenophobic violence, than Islam does. I feel these practices also give them a special diathesis for the most extreme forms of Islam. (WHY? Well, men raised to feel it's okay to murder their own daughters or sisters in order restore "family honor" are certainly going to be capable of xenophobic genocidal terror against people who are not in their "tribe.")

I feel that nations which allow these ill-liberal anti-humane and unfair coercive practices should be totally shunned by the Free World. We could START by relegating them to observer status at the UN.

We should no more accept a nation which allows these practices into the international community or into international alliances - or benefit from international aid from the World Bank or the IMF than we would a nation which allows slavery. THAT THE INDIGENOUS POPULATION SHOULD ENJOY LIBERTY AND EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW SHOULD BE EVERY BIT AS IMPORTANT TO THE UN, THE WORLD BANK AND THE IMF AS THE LEGITIMACY AND TRANSPARENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT.
In criticizing the pace of transformation in Iraq - and highlighting the instability there - Kaplan seems to forget that our own nation had very VERY serious problems developing our own democracy, too: We had YEARS under the Articles of Confederation which were a DISASTER,; we had the Whisky Rebellion, and a horrifyingly deadly (though absolutely necessary) Civil War, and another 100 years of failing to FULLY achieve what the Declaration and the Constitution promised for all.

SURE: Democracy is a process - and a it's sometimes a long one, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't help that process along - or capitulate to the anti-democratic forces when that process hits some resistance. It seems to me that Kaplan and Fukayama are now advocating just such a capitulation.

And Kaplan forgets that, as tyrants go, King George III was not as bad as Saddam. And Kaplan seems to forget that the French had one and a half centuries of faulty democracies before achieving their current republic.

That's why Kaplan and Fukayam and the other naysayers should not be so quick to throw in the towel. Because it's based on a bad reading of history, and because it's EXACTLY what our extremist enemies want.

IN FACT: It's exactly what our extremist enemies tell their own people: "Democracy is not for you!"

I say: DEMOCRACY IS FOR EVERY PERSON EVERYWHERE. FDR said it, too. Bush says it - and does something about it.

God Bless Him. And God Bless Our Troops. WITH OUR HELP, THE IRAQIS WILL FIND THEIR WAY. There are tyrannical totalitarians who do not want the Iraqis to forge their own democracy. People who believe that all humans deserve their universal, inalienable, innate human rights must help our brothers and sisters in Iraq defeat these totalitarians.
Folks like Kaplan who prefer stability and a gradually, "providentially" evolving status quo (to taking risks) are not only timid, but wrong. The pre-9/11 status quo was what led to 9/11 (and tow decades of attacks before 9/11!). That should be as intolerable to everyone as slavery, too. So-called Realpolitik is bankrupt morally and ineffective in the real world. The confrontation between democracy and tyranny is something tyrants want to avoid - we shouldn't!

[ASIDE: Many critics of our assertive actions and our militaristic response to enemy provocations in The Long War are hollow because we have a voluntary military, and we are not asking the citizenry to make any sacrifices at all. BUT AREN'T HIGH ENERGY PRICES AND A GROWING SENSE OF UN-EASE AND INSECURITY SACRIFICES THAT WE ARE ALL MAKING?! Yes, I think they are. And I think most people realize that these are the costs of war.]

UPDATE (hat tip Jim Rose): MORE HERE.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Islam is an ideology aimed at dominating the world. What makes it apparently different from Nazism, Fascism and Communism is that Islam comes under the flag of religious belief.

    Democracy stems from the quest for LIBERTY, it is a bottom-up process: freedom-loving (i.e. submission-hating) people devised Democracy as the best way for governing themselves. The idea of bringing Democracy to ‘submission’ minded peoples is doomed to the bitterest of failures, as adamantly demonstrated by the rise to power of the obscurantist forces of Hamas in Palestine, Shia clerics in Iraq and the coming to prominence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (and FIS in Algeria few years ago). Though sanctioned through publicly held polls, that’s not democracy, that’s tyranny under the travesty of Democracy.

    Submission minded peoples are bound to be governed either by fascism (Baath)or fundamentalism. They still belong to the old ages of SUBJUGATION and that’s what Islam is all about : THE WILL TO SUBJUGATE, the worst scourge that keeps
    haunting the humanity since the very beginnings. Believing that Islam is just a religion like many others is a lethal misjudgement.

    Human societies of all kinds have thrived millennia upon slavery in a world where oppression was the norm, while LIBERTY is the antithesis devised -- at last -- by the human spirit for escaping SUBJUGATION.
    LIBERTY is very ‘recent’ in human history. It’s enough to have a look at today’s world -- 215 years ‘only’ since when the First Amendment was established -- to understand that LIBERTY is still tottering and very frail.

    For the ‘true believers’ the world is divided into two sides: Dar El Islam (the house of the believers) and Dar El Kufr (the house of the infidels). The FIRST duty of a believer is to conquer the land of the infidels and submit them.
    Submission comes in three choices: 1st is conversion, 2nd is dhimmitude, 3rd is being decapitated.

    Ronald Reagan said:
    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

    As clearly stated in the MANIFESTO Islam means: "'s domination of woman, the Islamists' domination of all the others."

    Oppressors NEVER give up their hold on their subjugated victims by peaceful means. Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Imperial Japan, Slavery had to be defeated by means of force.
    The very central issue with Islam is man's domination of women: the actual strife throughout the "submission" world is arising from the dominant males' distress in foreboding that the unavoidably closer contact with our free societies shall somehow deprive them, sooner or later, of the tyrannical subjugation they exercise since millennia upon their unfortunate women.
    I think that the most important achievement on the way to human civilization has been the abolition of slavery. The next mandatory step is the liberation of Muslim women from subjugation: if we fail we are lost. Millions of women kept in subjugation are forced to reproduce relentlessly and the hordes of "submitted" barbarians that are already flooding the free West will sooner or later submerge us.
    Figuring that a "democratic Islam" might one day come to life thanks to the West's assistaqnce it is a nonsense. Muslims won't give up their hold on their enslaved women, that's why they will never accept democracy.

  2. thanks for the thoughtful essay!

    you make some points, but i fundamentally disagree.

    here's where:

    your wrote - "the idea of bringing Democracy to ‘submission’ minded peoples is doomed to the bitterest of failures..."

    and you further wrote - "Submission minded peoples are bound to be governed either by fascism .."


    thyere is NO SUCH THING AS "submission inded peoples" becasue "peoples" is an abstract notion which doesn;t really exist.

    the only real existent/AGENT is the individual, and I believe histry shows that INDIVIDUALS can be changed/unbrainwashed - certainly once the apparati of accutluration and assimilation and eduactaion are taken away from inidivduals who use them to foster radical isma -- once the madrassas and mosques which preach submission and genocide are closed - then we can beging to change the mionds of persons.

    YUP: that's a necessary prerequisite for winning the war and sporeading democracy: closing the fanatical madrassas amd mosque - i've goine as far in this blog to advicate BLOWING THEM UP becasue they are essentially bomb/genocide factories.

    thjis is what i mean by ASSISTANCE - it is akin to waht we did to NAZI GERMANY: we killed most of the big bad nazis leaders and threw alot mreoe in jial and burned all the nazi propaganda and denzaified germany and wurope.

    we need to "de-jihadofascisize" muslim nations whgere radical islam is a problem. that means pakistan and palistan.


    I KNOW we can do it; we did in germany after WW2.

    If you say we can't, then you are a defeatist.

  3. as you noted:

    Ronald Reagan said:
    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. ..."

    well... SO IS RADICAL ISLAM - if we take actions to halt it.

    you must agree with me and Ronnie, no!?!?

    IOW: I GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I fully agree with you that fanatical madrassas and mosques shall be closed (and blown up as well). When I say "submission-minded" I mean, as you do, individuals that are brainwashed since their early childhood: I would like to add that the problem is that there are so many of them and when it comes to maintaining the domination of women then the overwhelming majority shares the radical Islam's values.

    Just have a look at Turkey, by far the most advanced Democracy in the Muslim world: almost 84 years after the coming to power of Kemal Ataturk ( ), the man who "imposed" with unwavering determination his secular values on a whole nation, reaching so far as to ban the veil and headscarf for women in public places, the condition of women is still unchanged in most of the country. Girls, sometimes as early as 12 years old, are forced by their parents to marry to men that they see for the first time the very day of the wedding, it doesn't matter how old or crippled they might be. Forced weddings are a deed of everyday life in Turkey, in spite of the law imposed by Ataturk that made illegal such practice. If they try to escape their fate of slavery, they MUST BE KILLED either by their father or brothers and such barbarity is very common not only in Turkey but in Turkish communities in Europe as well (,1518,344374,00.html )

    It is widely accepted and unchallenged throughout the whole Muslim world that women are not entitled to have their own "individuality" : according to the Qur'an a woman cannot stand alone but instead she must have a "tutor" (guardian) who takes decisions for her! Domination of woman is the real issue at stake!

    I have spent many years in North Africa and Middle East and my personal little opinion is that if it comes to give up their domination of women not less than 90% of Muslims are ready to stand with radical Islam . That's why I believe that we have to realize that it is FREEDOM versus SUBMISSION. It is as it was with the Nazis : either WE or THEM.
    Muslims are antithetical to Western society, but the real problem is what to do to have the West to understand it.


    "... If it comes to give up their domination of women not less than 90% of Muslims are ready to stand with radical Islam . That's why I believe that we have to realize that it is FREEDOM versus SUBMISSION. It is as it was with the Nazis : either WE or THEM."

    It just MIGHT come to that.AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE.
    How we proceed to that point is important. We do not have to leap to the inevitable - though it might save time and money and many MANY lives to do so.

    I think that STARTEGICALLY we have to force hundreds of milions of muslims who support radical islam to change. And i think that the BESt way to get to this confronation is by confronting them on polygamy, endogamy and misogyny.


    If 90% of Muslims want to stand - and fall - with these anti-humane practices, then we could let them, and EXILE them from the modern world: deport them that are here in the West, and CUT OFF all anti-humane nations FROM the West.

    If we don't force them to choose, then the radicals will - under much worse circumstances.

    in a way, this is exactly the definition of the choices - the confrontation - in The Long War.

    it is the only way to PROVE/test whether Islam is antithetical to the West/modernity.

    You may be right that it is. I feel that it is more often than not.

    But PROVING it in steps/stages -- if we can, if we have the opportunity to -- seems most prudent.

    we may NIT get the opportunity.

    If Iran gets nukes or responds to our seemingly inevitable preemptive strike in a really RELLY bas way, then we might jump right to the endgame: a clash in which mecca and jerusalem and "new jerusalem" - the USA - are each tested in the extreme. and i mean at that point it will become EXISTENTIAL for islam and the West, and both won't probably survive.

    i have FAITH the right side will win. no mater how or when the ultimate confrontation comes.

  6. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Well, I agree when you say that we should -- at least -- try our best and force them to choose. One way of forcing them to choose might just be to send back home those that are already in the West, to cut off the anti-human nations from the West and to grant free shelter to all those Muslim women that will be able to reach Freedom land either in Europe or America. As it happened in the period from XII to XV century in Europe, when the free city-states stroke a deadly blow to the feudal system by means of granting freedom to all the serfs that were able to reach the city-state's gates (the saying was: "Breathing the city-state's air makes you free"), granting asylum and freedom to any Muslim women would surely put heavy pressure on the Muslim world.
    Should the West one day take such steps it would mean that -- at last -- we had made up our mind on the unavoidability of a firm, challenging and uncompromising stance.
    Unfortunately the West doesn't seem willing to take a confrontational stand. Appeasement 101 is ranking very high. As Benjamin Franklin said "Those who prefer security to liberty will have neither." Moreover, as I personally see it, in the West LOVE FOR GOLD comes first while LIBERTY lags far behind on the values' ladder.
    Perhaps shall we admit that the fundamentalists are right when they claim that Western democracies (i.e. peoples) are too pavid to stand for any principle at all?

  7. i think your pessimism is unwarranred.
    we are winning.

    i think we have been less confrontational than we should be - like onthe cartoon intifada thing.

    (i DO support the dubai ports world thing, tho' carrot and stick donchya kno')

    but i feel that bush is playing it cautiously and that he and condi and cheney and rummy feel that we have the time to squeeze assad slowly (in the next month or so he should be gone.)

    and then we have iran surrounded. and hiballah isolated, and hamas isolated.

    sure: the more we tighten the noose them more the enemy wuill take desperate measures - like the golden mosque thing. even bigger. and in the EU and the USA. maybe try to assassinate abdullah 2 of transjordan.
    maybe get blair. or the king of morocco.

    or blow uo al aksa and try to balkme the JOOOOOOOOZE!

    but i think before januarty 2009 we will have made HUGE strides - by taking big measures: bush wil not bequethe this to the next prez.

    yeahyeah - he's been somewhat wimpy to date, but a sure/steady/resolved leader. as good as we can expect. as much as we need.
    lincoln went thru many shitty generals until he found a winning combo. maybe bush is still looking for his grant?
    i'd prefer if we pushed an FDR/liberty for all agenda more aggressively.
    FDR did not have to contend wioth an MSM like W does. the MSM then wasn;t domnaited by traitors (or at least in WW2 the Left was pro-USA - partly because the USA was pro-USSR).

    i think we must make sure we don't drop the ball on assad (he's the enxt milestone).

    al,so:" wqe must NEVER allow the appeasing left/Dems get control of Ciongres or the WH. if they do they'll do to the iraqis and afghanis and lebanese what they did to the south vietnamese and contras: abandon them.

    all the best!

  8. BTW: you should blog

  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    It is enough to have a fast look on the web at the infiltration of Muslim money (and power) in the Western countries: there is too much of it and too many in the West are well accommodated in the milking line. However I agree with you that the Democrats on power would quite quicken the running down the slope.
    The Dubai Port deal is just the tip of the Iceberg. Hopefully its coming in the limelight might raise the opportunity to foster the public attention on all sort of muslim-money-pouring-through deals.
    Few links worth to have a look at :

    The Road To Allah Paved With Gold

    Did U.A.E. Save Bin Laden?

    And infiltrates the U.S.:

    Dubai funds Neil Bush's company:
    From: Datamatix THE POWER OF TRUST

    And a lot more are queuing up:

    Obviously the Clintons are ranking high in the line :

    And millions are dished out by the Saudis to American universities :
    “……Saudi Prince has just donated twenty million dollars to Georgetown as well as to Harvard…”

    Thanks to their unrestrained LOVE FOR GOLD Westerners cannot even figure out for which reason this so-affluent-so-nice people in U.A.E. should be looking for something more. We are used to beware instinctively of the have-nots while a positive no-questions-to-be-made attitude arises spontaneously whenever we deal with deep pockets types, "Why should they want to look for troubles when they already have all what everybody dreams of?", indeed.
    The answer is: POWER. Mollifying the foe's by means of money -- plenty money -- is an absolutely relevant side of their strategy. As strangling the West by means of sky-high oil prices is the prerequisite for the strategy to unfold.
    When I look at things from such an angle I find it very hard to think positive.
