Thursday, February 09, 2006


The most important issue in the eyes of Muslims is that Islamic values, the Islamic identity, and I think in this particular sense the protest reflect what I call a state of mind that senses internal and external danger. It's a besieged state of mind. You are attacking us continuously. This is part of you're [sic: your] war against us, against our Islamic identity....

We need to deepen the cultural, intellectual and social links between Muslim societies and Western societies. And also the war on terror -- the war on terror has done a great deal of damage to the image of the West in the eyes of the Muslim. Because [as] I suggested earlier, in the eyes of Muslim majorities, the war on terror is really a war against Islam and Muslims.

And the question is, how do you link Muslim societies with Christian societies? How do you deepen the links? How do you connect with Muslim societies? And fortunately, the cartoon controversy does not help matters. It exacerbates an already raging fire between the Muslim world and the Christian world.

ANSWER: Muslims. So called "radical Muslims."

Gerges - long an apologist for islamofascists - gets it EXACTLY WRONG. This war was declared by the INTOLERANT islamofascists ON THE WEST, and not the other way around. WE ARE JUSTY FRIGGIN FIGHTING BACK!

Religious freedom for all religions is guaranteed in the West, and NOT in all Islamic nations. Harassment of other faiths is routine in Islamic nations; in fact, it is against the law to practice another faith in Saudi Arabia. The islamofascists are the ones trying to enforce their fanatical religious beliefs on us, and not the other way around.

The West would be happy to have Muslims praying 5 times a day in mosques all over our nations if we didn't have to worry that the mosques were really jihadoterrorist clubs planning terror against us!

Today, much of the West is fed up with jihadoterror and the outrageous hypocrisy of apologists for jihadoterror - folks like Gerges (a tenured professor at Sarah Lawrence College in NY). Our tolerance got us into this mess: For way too long we tolerated the intolerance of Muslims. We are sick and tired of hypocrites like Gerges and Abu Laban (one of the 2 Danish imams who trumped up this whole Cartoon Intifada) who berate the West for intolerance while accepting it in Muslim nations - and in Islam itself.

Most Muslims NEVER condemned a single beheading or kidnapping which was done in the name of Islam; when jihadoterrorists beheaded someone on behalf of their faith, or MURDER DOZENS AT WEDDINGS OR FUNERALS, we never heard these apologists say that the jihadoterrorists had slandered Islam. But then, when NON-Muslims publish a few mild CARTOONS, Muslims go on a friggin rampage! Over friggin CARTOONS! And the apologists blame us!

People in the West can ONLY conclude that the rampaging Muslims are absofrigginlutley INSANE - or are jihadoterrorists! And professors who wear suits and appear on CNN should say so, and not argue that we in the West are not tolerant enough, or understanding enough, or that we haven't reached out enough!

LOOKIT: the enemy is attacking us - using violence and intimidation against us because of THEIR xenophobia, not ours.

When Muslim apologists for terror - like Gerges and Abu Laban - go on TV and accuse US OF XENOPHOBIA - when we are merely sticking up for OUR UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND OUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and just beginning our counter-attack... why, why, why... IT'S ABSOFRIGGINLUTELY OUTFRIGGINRAGEOUS!

Then again, we should expect this kind of horrifying behavior towards us by some muslims (and also we should expect the amoral defenses of it by other Muslims). After all, we are mere "kafirs", and they are people whose religion says it's sometimes necessary to murder your own daughter to restore "honor" to your family.

1 comment:

  1. Well, maybe none of this would have happened if Allah had gotten his 10 Commandments here sooner.

    I guess he didn't use FedEX.

    Papa Ray
    West Texas
