Monday, February 20, 2006


January 23rd: Iran shifts their assets out of Europe (they've had none in the USA since 1979).

Febrary 15th: Syria shifts out of the dollar and into the euro.

Febraury 19th: Iranian mullahs issue a fatwa approving the use of nukes against the USA in retaliation for any attack against Iran (or the ummah).

February 20th: Bin Laden and Zawahiri have now BOTH released very theatening tapes; it's a rare event when they do so simultaneously.

Are these moves in merely anticipation of a possible US/EU/UNSC move against Assad and against Iran's nuke program (such as sanctions - a move which can EASILY be thwarted by a veto by Russia of China, two nations very friendly to both Syria and Iran), OR ARE THEY IN ANTICIPATION OF A COORDINATED JIHADOTERRORIST STRIKE AGAINST THE USA AND THE EU - AN ATTACK WHICH ASSAD AND IRAN KNOW TO BE IMMINENT?

Remember: Bin Laden said that attackers are already in the USA and are planning a major attack. AND REMEMBER: each succeeding attack by al Qaeda against the USA has always been much bigger than the preceding attack. Also note that defenses in and around DC have been visibly stepped up recently.

Iran and Syria and several jihadoterrorist groups - including Hamas, Hizballah and al Qaeda and Zarqawi and al Sadr - cooperate in relation to their strategy against the USA and Israel. An attack by jihadoterrorist proxies against the USA and Israel may be what Iran and Syria and Bin Laden and Zawahiri -- WHO ARE ALL UNDER MORE AND MORE PRESSURE -- think they need in order to divert the pressure. Stay tuned.

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