Sunday, February 05, 2006


REUTERS/"Reuters" (hat tip LGF):
At least six people were killed on Friday when gunmen opened fire at a Christian home on a mainly Muslim island in the southern Philippines, an army general said. ... three men, two women and an eight-month-old infant were killed in the attack. Six others, three of them children, survived the shooting with minor injuries. "We don't know the motive for the shooting," Aleo said.
The motive for the attack is simple: they must've been cartoonists. Oh they weren't cartoonists!? Oh. Er, um... then I guess "IT'S NOT THE CARTOONS, STUPID!"

1 comment:

  1. So the present day Americans bring back fears like the 1900s.

    Funny, that is a long time ago and unless I'm mistaken the "atrocities" were in the defensive measure. I'll have to do some researh to be sure.

    "Protesters said they had seen some U.S. troops fighting alongside Philippine soldiers in November during offensives against the Abu Sayyaf, a Muslim militant group with ties to al Qaeda and the regional network Jemaah Islamiah."

    We have had SO troops down there for at least four years according to friends I have in the Military. They state that unless massive assistance is given by us, they will have not only a civil war but the whole chain of Islands could wind up under Islamic rule.

    I think we need time, which I don't think the cult of Islam is going to give us. We need time to build our Armies, prepare our population and to build our friendships to the point where we won't be going it alone.

    This long war, dark times is not coming. Its here and we are not ready.

    But then, we have not really been ready for any of the wars we have fought.

    Papa Ray
    West Texas
