Sunday, January 22, 2006


From Prairie Pundit: "ABC's Brian Ross says Zawahiri was at attack site -

Taylor Marsh reports on an interview with Ross by Charlie Rose:"

The U.S. believes al-Zawahiri was at the location the drones hit, which was a high level summit of al Qaeda. There were a series of strikes and on the third house in the compound, "before it was hit, but after the other two were hit, people ran from that house, took off and then the strike came." Some people got away, al-Zawahiri being one, but his son-in-law and chief bomb maker weren't so lucky. ... Ross says al-Zawahiri "was hurt bad" by this assault. ... bviously, somebody provided the information that led to the CIA drone attack. al-Zawahiri has to be wondering, who talked and gave up our position? ...

This is where it gets really interesting. Musharraf has created, inside his own intelligence agency, a minor intelligence agency. It is called "The Spider Group" made up of "trusted Pakistani intelligence agents, CIA agents, and a number of wealthy business men who have funded privately a group that is tracking bin Laden and al-al-Zawahiri."
There's plenty more; go to PP and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    now some Paki minister is questioning the veracity of reports al Q was present...
