Thursday, January 05, 2006


Who will lead KADIMA if Sharon is as ill as the doctors know say? The way it looks now, Sharon will not be able to lead the nation or the Kadima Party for the next few months - AT BEST; though I pray he recovers miraculously and soon.

Kadima was built on the sheer boldness and bravura and brilliant strategy of Sharon. Who might be its next leader?

Ehud Olmert is a good man politically but he lacks the military gravitas necessary to make BIG BOLD MOVES like Sharon could. Shaul Mofaz current Defense Minister and former Likud member. He could be bold.

Ehud Barak would be my dark horse candidate. He has left the Labor Party - for all intents and purposes; (his ex-wfie of 35 years is a leader of Kadima). Either of these men would be a good PM - Barak has learned his lesson - and re-earned his creds - when he PROVED that Arafat was a fraud and an unrepentent jihadoterrorist.

And then there's NATAN SHARANSKY. And BIBI is not as bad as some think. Both of these men bring the added value of being committed to the free market. Kadima was not.

We shall see... MORE HERE. AND HERE. And HERE.

UPDATE ON POSSIBLE SUCCESSORS: see HERE (LIVNI - female, minister of Justice, former Likudnik) and a roundup HERE.

UPDATE #2: More background on possible successors HERE (Livni is ranked #2 behind Olmert, with Mofaz third).

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