Saturday, January 28, 2006


The Arab Muslims are really getting even more worked up about those Danish cartoons. This proves how utterly intolerant the Arab Muslims are. This makes them a danger to freedom-loving people everywhere.

The Danes say: SCREW 'EM! 80%! God Bless the Danes!

If the West had any balls we stop buying and selling EVERYTHING to any and all ARab Muslim nations who boycott Denamrk's goods and services.

We should let the intolerant Arab Muslim scum drink oil and eat sand.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Jylland Postens actions were provocative and rude to muslims...

    But now we can also see how intolerant the muslim world is.

  2. This whole universe including the world we live in responds to the command of the one 'God. This is Islam. Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhamad s.a.w. pray to this one 'God', and they are muslims. It is therefore unexceptable for any human to humiliate or condemn these prophets. They are all the prophets of 'God'. The freedom of expression or the freedom of press should not be abused by some maliciously intended writters. The authorities should have some kind of guide lines to prevent this from happening and should not use freedom as an excuse.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    makdom -

    if you believe in the one supreme g-d then let g-d punish the evildoers...

    the religious leaders who preach hate are the evildoers and g-d will see to it that they are destroyed.


  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    the world does not respond to the command of G-d. G-d created the universe and blessed us with free will. we are therefore responsible for the choices we make.

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Hey Makdom!
    We have freedom of the press in denmark. The guidelines that exist are enforced by the police and the courts - not the government!

    where are you? burning the danish flag?

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    antidemocratic facist thugs:

    Also Monday, masked gunmen took over an office used by the European Union to protest the publication of cartoons deemed insulting to Islam's Prophet Mohammed.

    About five gunmen stormed the building, closing the office down, while 10 other armed men stood watch outside. One of the militants said they were protesting the drawings, published last September in the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten. The caricatures have sparked a wave of denunciations across the Islamic world.

    antidemocratic facist thugs!

  7. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Who are the real hypocrates...?

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    In this World, there are 2 creation of God.The Sinners and the Hypocrates.I prefered to be Sinner.I'm just a Human...

  9. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The implementation of the laws follows the same "principled" approach. Thus, Denmark has laws regarding blasphemy as well as racism. Both of these laws have been violated in the current case, the assertion of the newspaper that it broke no laws, notwithstanding. Section 266b of the Danish Criminal Code provides:

    Any person who, publicly or with the intention of wider dissemination, makes a statement or imparts other information by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, or sexual inclination shall be liable to a fine or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 2 years.

    And its section 140, which deals with blasphemy, reads:

    Those who publicly mock or insult the doctrines or worship of any religious community that is legal in this country, will be punished by a fine or incarceration for up to 4 month.

    Was the act of Jylland POstens, according to Danish Law? Think Again!

    Islam is a religion of peace. Not all Danish people hate Islam its just few people who intentionally done the wrong thing for the sake of Freedom Speech which turns into Freedom to annoy.

    Those who are burning the Danish flags, are showing their anger, what else can they do?

  10. Anonymous9:33 PM

    there is really no need for one religion to denigrade another. all religion is founded upon all thigs good. diffrerences are hi lited by men. men who create situations and manipulate conditions to further their own agenda. its unfortunate but true that most people who get upset and violent are the uneducated, unlearned ones prompted by their lifelong beliefs and prejudices that dont change because they dont want to learn and unlearn and relearn.
