Friday, January 27, 2006


From Dar al-Hayat (Arabic)/IRAQ THE MODEL (VIA ACE):
The Anbar tribes’ campaign to rid the province of Zarqawi’s terror organization, al-Qaeda in Iraq is in its 2nd day and so far, 270 Arab and foreign intruders have been arrested.

ASIDE: "Tanker" at ACE wonders (snidely): "why haven't we read about this in the OLD MEDIA!?" SIMPLE: They're anti-Bush. They would rather lie than tell the truth if the truth would help Bush. LIKE: Have you seen the Old media report the fact that 2 MILLION jobs were created last year!? Of Course not. But they sure have trumpeted Ford's layoff news: 30,000 jobs to be cut between now and 2012. Which amounts to what!? 5000 jobs lost per year between now and 2001. That isn't even one tenth of 1% of the unemployed in the country. But the way the Old media reports it, you'd think we should all just head for the soup-lines! Sheesh.

The Left - and the Old Media they still dominate and Democrat Party they control - crave bad news so much they INVENT IT. They hate good news so much THEY DENY IT!

And when a good man is nominated for the SCOTUS - like Alito - they smear him and slander him - and now... they're attempting a filibuster! They're such scum.

I think Jeff Sessions made a key point in his speech in the Senate today. He pointed out that a former judge on the 3rd Cirucit - who is now retired and running a foundation which gives legal counsel to DETAINEES AT GITMO (FOR FREE!) - has not only unconditionally endorsed Alito, he said in testimony that Alito is exactly the kind of judge he WANTS to have hear his Gitmo cases! Lookit folks, THAT'S A REAL LIBERAL/LEFT LAWYER SAYING THAT! Yet it ain't good enough for Teddy Jo Kennedy or Ghengis Khan Kerry. I hate them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Cool blog thanks for posting this information.
