Wednesday, January 25, 2006


As I blogged last week, Dickie "Gitom = Gulag" Durbin - along with Patrick Leahy and Teddy Jo Kennedy - submitted written questions to Alito, but then announced that he would vote against Alito BEFORE they received the written responses. Thus rpoving their questioning was disingenuine, at best. In fact, Durbin and the other Lefties, were so prejudiced agaiunst Alito, they had made up their minds LONG before the hearings were even scheduled. Let alone before they submitted their written questions or gfot the answers.

Now comes word - via THE CORNER - that Durbin admits that he doesnt really know the facts in the NSA brouhaha:
From a press conference today:

QUESTION: I don't think I've heard any Democrats say that, though this program, in your view appears to be unconstitutional, maybe unlawful, why not say, Halt it now, and come to Congress and ask for the changes, but halt it now? I've not heard any Democrat say: Stop the program.

DURBIN: Well, I have to say, candidly, there are very few members of Congress who know exactly what this program's all about. Other than press descriptions, we don't honestly know what is being done in the name of this program.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... AHEM: No one knows what it's all about, but the Lefties in Congress and Al Gore ALL know it's: unconstitutional; illegal; and a frightening power grab by KING GEORGE (that's what Russ Feingold called him!) and an gross violation of the separation of powers and of checks and balances. There's even talk by these Lefties of impeachment.

Seems like in BOTH cases - both the Alito nomination and the NSA brouhaha - the Lefties who are in control of the Democrat Party have actually done worse than merely RUSH TO JUDGEMENT. They've virtually convicted and lynched Alito and Bush without even a fair trial.

Taken in tandem, these two positions by nearly the entire leadership of the Democrat Party can only lead a sensible person to ONE conclusion: the current Leftie leaderhip of the Democrat Party are a bunch of unprincipled, phony, prejudiced scum.

UPDATE: This type of "anti-Bush Lynch Mob mentality" is also typical of the Left in Old Europe - as CAPT. ED BLOGGED YESTERDAY:
Europe Finds Nothing But What It Reads In The Papers

An investigative panel researching the supposed "rendition centers" in Europe alleged by American newspapers has turned up no evidence of their existence -- but still filed a report consisting of newspaper clippings from the US to support continuing their efforts, a report that even Europe couldn't countenance:
An inquiry by the Council of Europe into allegations that the C.I.A. has operated secret detention centers in Eastern Europe has turned up no evidence that such centers ever existed though the leader of the inquiry, Dick Marty, said there are enough "indications" to justify continuing the investigation. ...

The findings, delivered to the Council on Tuesday, drew scornful reactions from some representatives of the Council's 46 member states, particularly from the British, who called the interim report "as full of holes as Swiss cheese" and "clouded in myth and motivated by a desire to kick America." "
WMD BLOG tracked back to this post at CAPT'S QUARTERS with another link and a brilliant title which perfectly sums up the Leftist Lynch Mob attitude: "NO EVIDENCE; NO PROBLEM!" (This slogan is of course a cousin of FAKE, BUT ACCURATE!")


  1. Congress under Republican control has increased earmarks 873 percent

    as for wiretaps - just wait until the public finds out that bush was spying on quakers in vermont as leahy testified in the alito hearings

  2. kyle: bwahahahahaha!
    u sound like someone from ther terrorist's rights party!

    the nsa intercepts program was legal, constitutional, narrow, targeted, focused:

    only INTERNATIONAL calls
    only to and from al Qaeda
    (only as many as 2000 peole since 2001/
    or, 500 people per year, or 50 people per month)

    during ther same period of time, bush sought and received TENS OF THOUSANDS of FISA warrants. ur um er oh that's MANY TIMES MORE than the number of people who had their calls intercepted under the POTUS/CiC authorized program.

    all previous presidents, the scotus, the fiscr, the fisc, and all feweral courts which have ever ruled on this type of matrter have all always decided that the POTUS as CiC has the constitutional authority to order sigint ANYHWERE there is a threat from a foreign enemy.

    the Congressional AUMF SPECIFICALLY names and targets al Qaeda as THE ENEMY. a federal court in 2002 and the fisc have both decided that this aumf means that the POTUIS can use ALL INCIDENTAL TOOLS TO WAR-MAKING TOOLS. the potus can decalre enemy combatants, seize them and hold them, and make all necessary and incidental surveillance of them.

    the nixon analogyu you lefties like to make is TOTALLY INAPT.

    nixon CLIAMED - falsely - that the targets of hism surveillance were DOMNESTIV THREATS. the scotus decided agaoinst noixon saying SPECIFICALLY that these powers of the POTUS asd CiC were limited to FOREIGN THREATS.

    al qaeda is a foreign threat. ergo the surveillance is legal and constitutional.
