Friday, January 20, 2006

DRUDGE/BREITBART/AP: "Iran Moving Its Foreign Currency Reserves"

Iran is moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as a pre-emptive measure against any possible U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, the Central Bank Governor said Friday.
Is this a pre-emptive defensive move which is a prelude to impending sanctions - one meant to at least soften their effect, if not: to make them so worthless as to be taken off the table? Or, do the Iranians know about an impending LARGE SCALE jihadoterrorist attack - in Europe, or the USA, or anyhwere else in the West? After all, this move comes DIRECTLY on the heels of Binladen's announcement/truce-offering/warning: "preparations are underway." I believe that it is in anticipation of a series of large scale jihadoterrorist attacks. JP at Americans for Freedom expressed why very succinctly:
I am toubled by the combination of the following recent events: OBL tape, Amadinejad visiting Damascus, the upcoming IAEA/UN talks, Sharon's incapacitation and Chirac's vow to nuke any state that attacks France with WMDs. Throw this together with the large disposible cell phone purchases in the past couple months in the US and it seems to me that Iran/Syria and Qaeda are whipping up some terror coordination in the near future to prevent action against the Iran nuke regime.
More HERE.


  1. Reliapundit,
    In addition to moving Iranian money out of Europe, Ahmadinejad has been meeting with the heads of Palestinian terrorist organizations, and, in the same article, he tells (warns?) Europe they need to open their borders to the Jews of Israel.

    What do you think is going to be done about these threats?

  2. Oh yeah, here's the link:

  3. it's a complicated game of blink.

    a complex chess board.

    syria iran each present different threats, each maturing at different rates.

    it WILL come to a head. sooner rather than later.

    by summer. not longer than next feb.

    much depends on russia and israel and al Q.

    the enemy will try to bring it to a head soooner than we'd like. by attacking israel and jordan and iraq and afghanistan and the EU.

    i think we must pursue them in this:

    1 - assad
    2 - zarq
    3- binladen and zawahri
    4- iran

    i long ago said the road to tehran goes through damascus and the road to damascus goes through beirut. i belive i was the first to utter/post both.

    i stand by tht assessment.

    if noko caves in soon - and i expect them to - then we can apply more pressure to iran.

    i think the party of sic should build 2nuclear power plants: one on the noko-chinese border and one on the noko-soko border.

    these would give free power to noko in return for them giving up their nuke programs.

    ultimately. regime change in iran is the answer.

    nukes themselves are not bad. nukes are only bad if they are in the wrong hands.

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    what no hat tip?
